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00001 /**
00002 * @file GT2004HeadControl.h
00003 * 
00004 * Definition of class GT2004HeadControl.
00005 *
00006 * @author Marc Dassler
00007 * @author Jan Hoffmann
00008 * @author Uwe Düffert
00009 * @author Martin Lötzsch
00010 */
00012 #ifndef __GT2004HeadControl_h__
00013 #define __GT2004HeadControl_h__
00015 #include "../Xabsl2HeadControl.h"
00017 #include "GT2004HeadPathPlanner.h"
00018 #include "GT2004HeadControlSymbols.h"
00019 #include "GT2004HeadControlBasicBehaviors.h"
00021 /**
00022 * @class GT2004HeadControl
00023 *
00024 * The GT2004 version of the HeadControl module.
00025 *
00026 * @author Marc Dassler
00027 * @author Jan Hoffmann
00028 * @author Uwe Düffert
00029 * @author Martin Lötzsch
00030 */
00031 class GT2004HeadControl : public Xabsl2HeadControl
00032 {
00033 public:
00034 /** 
00035 * Constructor.
00036 * @param interfaces The paramters of the HeadControl module.
00037   */
00038   GT2004HeadControl(HeadControlInterfaces& interfaces);
00040   /** Destructor. */
00041   ~GT2004HeadControl(){}
00043   /** Executes the module */
00044   virtual void execute();
00046   /** 
00047   * Is called for every incoming debug message.
00048   * @param message An interface to read the message from the queue
00049   * @return if the messag was read
00050   */
00051   virtual bool handleMessage(InMessage& message);
00053   /** Registers symbols and basic behaviors at the engine */
00054   virtual void registerSymbolsAndBasicBehaviors();
00056   /** An instance of the head path planner */
00057   GT2004HeadPathPlanner headPathPlanner;
00059   /** If true, the last head movement was directed to the left side (of the ball) */
00060   bool lastScanWasLeft;
00062   /** Is true, if the head is on the left side */
00063   bool headPanIsLeft();
00065   /** put the sensor values in var pos */
00066   void getSensorHeadAngles(Vector3<double>& pos);
00068   /** returns a distance between actual position and comp. the small results are better */
00069   double headPositionDistanceToActualPosition(Vector3<double> comp,bool leftSide);
00071   /** The head control mode that was executed in the last frame */
00072   HeadControlMode::HeadControlModes lastHeadControlMode;
00074   /** Information about the used camera */
00075   CameraInfo cameraInfo;
00077   /** The symbols used by the Xabsl2Engine */
00078   GT2004HeadControlSymbols symbols;
00080   /** The basic behaviors used by the Xabsl2Engine */
00081   GT2004HeadControlBasicBehaviors basicBehaviors;
00083   /** The minimum head speed in urad per frame: 4000 = 28.6°/s */
00084   enum {minHeadSpeed=4000};
00087   /** deals with setting the head joints and performs 
00088   optimizations so that the head does not move too fast 
00089   angles are in RAD and NOT EVER AGAIN(!!) IN MICRORAD!
00090   */ 
00091   void setJoints(double tilt, double pan, double roll, double speed=0, double mouth=0);
00093   /* Writes the joint angles to the HeadMotionRequest without optimization and smoothing */ 
00094   void setJointsDirect(double tilt, double pan, double roll, double mouth=0);
00096   void simpleLookAtPointRelativeToRobot(const Vector3<double> pos, Vector2<int> offset, double& neckTilt, double& headPan, double& headTilt);
00098   /** Simplified "look at 3d-point" on field with offset point in camera image 
00099   this is straight-forward for the ERS210, but the ERS7 has two 
00100   tilt joints that can both be used to look at something. Lookatpoint
00101   uses the two following methods to find a 'good' solution.  */
00102   void simpleLookAtPointOnField(const Vector3<double> pos, Vector2<int> offset, double& neckTilt, double& headPan, double& headTilt);
00104   /** Simplified "look at 3d-point" subroutine trying to find tilt1 solution for given tilt2/roll. this is useful on ERS210 and ERS7
00105   *@return true when matching angles were found */
00106   bool simpleLookAtPointFixNeckTilt(const Vector3<double> &aim, const double& tilt1, double& headPan, double& headTilt);
00108   /** look at 3d-point on field with offset point in camera image 
00109   this is straight-forward for the ERS210, but the ERS7 has two 
00110   tilt joints that can both be used to look at something. Lookatpoint
00111   uses the two following methods to find a 'good' solution.  */
00112   void lookAtPoint(const Vector3<double> &pos,const Vector2<int> &offset,double& tilt,double& pan,double& roll);
00114   /** look at 3d-point subroutine trying to find tilt1 solution for given tilt2/roll. this is useful on ERS210 and ERS7
00115   *@return true when matching angles were found */
00116   bool lookAtPointFixHeadTilt(const Vector3<double> &aim, const double& xtan, const double& ytan, double& tilt1, double& pan, const double& tilt2);
00118   /** look at 3d-point subroutine trying to find tilt2 solution for given tilt1. this is only useful on ERS7
00119   *@return true when matching angles were found */
00120   bool lookAtPointFixNeckTilt(const Vector3<double> &aim, const double& xtan, const double& ytan, const double& tilt, double& pan, double& tilt2);
00122   /** return the closest landmark w.r.t. a given direction; also,
00123   * the next landmark to the left (or right) can be calculated.  */
00124   int calculateClosestLandmark(double direction = 0, double nextLeftOrRight = 0);
00126   /** call look-at-point depending on whether the landmark has has a z-dimension 
00127   * the offset in the image is adjusted: landmarks on the ground are aimed at differently from goals and corner posts*/
00128   void aimAtLandmark(int landmark, double& neckTilt, double& headPan, double& headTilt);
00130   /** returns the angles that are good for looking at the ball */
00131   void getLookAtBallAngles(const Vector2<double> ballOnField, double& neckTilt, double& headPan, double& headTilt);
00133   /** stores the number of frames "setjoints" has been close to its destination */
00134   int setJointsIsCloseToDestination;
00136   /** true if the max pan of the head joint is reached */
00137   bool setJointsMaxPanReached;
00139   /** initial the main angles for the head movement */ 
00140   void setupMainAngles();
00143   /** basic headpositions for the gaze */
00144   Vector3<double> headLeft;
00145   Vector3<double> headRight;
00146   Vector3<double> headMiddleLeft;
00147   Vector3<double> headMiddleLeftDown;
00148   Vector3<double> headMiddleRight;
00149   Vector3<double> headMiddleRightDown;
00150   Vector3<double> headRightDown;
00151   Vector3<double> headLeftDown;
00152   Vector3<double> headUp;
00153   Vector3<double> headDown;
00155   /** speed in rad/s for head movement. its used for headpathplanner and the calibration */
00156   double speedNeckTilt;
00157   double speedHeadPan;
00158   double speedHeadTilt;
00160   /* this calculates the speed of the head motors.
00161    later the speeds where used for the headPathPlanner for calculating realistic headmotions */
00162   void calibrateHeadSpeed();
00164   /* if the ball get losts, he belives in the communicated ball */
00166   bool useCommunicatedBall;
00168   enum
00169   {
00170     calibrationStateStart,
00171     calibrationStateLeft,
00172     calibrationStateLeftWait,
00173     calibrationStateRight,
00174     calibrationStateRightWait,
00175     calibrationStateDownTilt1,
00176     calibrationStateDownTilt1Wait,
00177     calibrationStateUpTilt1,
00178     calibrationStateUpTilt1Wait,
00179     calibrationStateDownTilt2,
00180     calibrationStateDownTilt2Wait,
00181     calibrationStateUpTilt2,
00182     calibrationStateUpTilt2Wait,
00183     calibrationStateUseResults,
00184     calibrationStateReady
00185   } calibrationState;
00187   long calibrationTime;
00188   int calibrationTimeOutsTilt1,calibrationTimeOutsPan,calibrationTimeOutsTilt2;
00189   int calibrationRoundCount,calibrationSuccessfulRounds;
00191   void calibrationReset()
00192   {
00193     calibrationTimeOutsTilt1 = 0;
00194     calibrationTimeOutsPan   = 0;
00195     calibrationTimeOutsTilt2 = 0;
00196     calibrationState = calibrationStateStart;
00197   }
00198   /* return true, if the position is reached more or less */
00199   bool headPositionReached(Vector3<double> pos)
00200   {
00201     return headPathPlanner.headPositionReached(pos);
00202   }
00204   /** return the index of the last seen beacon */
00205   int getLastSeenBeaconIndex();
00207   /** return the time of the last seen beacon */
00208   long getTimeOfLastSeenBeacon(int index);
00210   /** return the time between the two last seen beacons */
00211   long getTimeBetweenSeen2LastBeacons(int index);
00213   /* return true, if the calibration move is over the time to reach the given position */
00214   bool isTimedOut()
00215   {
00216     return (SystemCall::getTimeSince(calibrationTime)>2500);
00217   }
00218   /* return true, if the calibration process is ready */
00219   bool calibrateHeadSpeedIsReady()
00220   {
00221     return (calibrationState==calibrationStateReady);
00222   }
00224   /** looks to the left/right side an aearch for ball. Used for kicks */
00225   void searchForBallLeft();
00226   void searchForBallRight();
00228   /** begin a ball search by the given start position */
00229   void beginBallSearchAt(Vector2<double> ballPosition2d);
00231 private:
00232   Range<double> jointRangeNeckTilt, jointRangeHeadPan, jointRangeHeadTilt;
00234   // the following are used to improve performance of set-joints when the robot is turning fast
00235   OdometryData lastOdometryData;
00236   RobotPose lastRobotPose;
00237 };
00239 #endif //__GT2004HeadControl_h__
00241 /*
00242 * Change log :
00243 * 
00244 * $Log: GT2004HeadControl.h,v $
00245 * Revision 1.22  2004/07/02 10:27:03  jhoffman
00246 * - preparation for compensating robot motions by appropriate head motion (no actual changes)
00247 * - headControl-Mode added for testing
00248 * - look-at-ball-and-closest-landmark uses quicker head movement
00249 *
00250 * Revision 1.21  2004/07/01 18:21:16  dassler
00251 * Added BasicBehavior and HeadControlMode:
00252 * search-for-ball-left
00253 * search-for-ball-right
00254 * Test is needed
00255 *
00256 * Revision 1.20  2004/06/29 17:06:53  dassler
00257 * find ball scans first to the side where the head pan angle is smaller
00258 *
00259 * Revision 1.19  2004/06/29 10:17:00  dassler
00260 * find ball choose side to scan dependent of headPan
00261 *
00262 * Revision 1.18  2004/06/28 14:00:04  jhoffman
00263 * - scan back to ball slower
00264 * - directed scan briefly stops at landmarks
00265 * - input symbol set-joints-is-close-to-destination implemented and added to behavior
00266 * - merged marcs changes into track-ball-strict
00267 *
00268 * Revision 1.17  2004/06/28 09:46:57  dassler
00269 * introduced some more headcontrol symbols
00270 * time-since-last-seen-beacon
00271 * time-between-last-beacons
00272 *
00273 * Revision 1.16  2004/06/18 18:28:39  dassler
00274 * introduced basic-behavior:
00275 * BeginBallSearchAtBallPositionSeen
00276 * BeginBallSearchAtBallPositionCommunicated
00277 * BeginBallSearchAtBallPositionPropagated
00278 *
00279 * track-ball modified and build in ball-just-lost
00280 *
00281 * Revision 1.15  2004/06/17 22:02:13  dassler
00282 * LookLeft/Right set to the the berlin gaze
00283 * searchForBall headPath optimzied.
00284 *
00285 * Revision 1.14  2004/06/17 15:39:33  dassler
00286 * LandmarkState added
00287 *
00288 * Revision 1.12  2004/06/15 16:29:56  jhoffman
00289 * check in for practice match
00290 *
00291 * Revision 1.11  2004/06/14 20:12:10  jhoffman
00292 * - numerous changes and additions to headcontrol
00293 * - cameraInfo default constructor now creates ERS7 info
00294 * - debug drawing "headcontrolfield" added
00295 *
00296 * Revision 1.10  2004/06/08 18:37:11  juengel
00297 * Added  setJointsDirect().
00298 *
00299 * Revision 1.9  2004/06/05 16:02:49  jhoffman
00300 * - added look-at-ball-and-closest-landmark (basicbahavior)
00301 * - found and removed bug in simple-look-at-point
00302 *
00303 * Revision 1.8  2004/06/04 08:44:12  juengel
00304 * Renamed simpleLookAtPoint to simpleLookAtPointOnField.
00305 * Added simpleLookAtPointRelativeToRobot.
00306 *
00307 * Revision 1.7  2004/06/01 15:05:41  jhoffman
00308 * added "simple-look-at-ball" to gt2004headcontrol
00309 *
00310 * Revision 1.6  2004/05/27 17:13:37  jhoffman
00311 * - renaming: tilt1 -> neckTilt,  pan -> headPan,  tilt2 -> headTilt
00312 * - clipping included for setJoints
00313 * - removed some microrad/rad-bugs
00314 * - bodyPosture constructor and "=" operator fixed
00315 *
00316 * Revision 1.5  2004/05/25 18:30:12  jhoffman
00317 * landmarks-array in field dimensions
00318 * headcontrol looks at close landmark
00319 *
00320 * Revision 1.4  2004/05/24 18:19:43  jhoffman
00321 * microrad --> rad
00322 *
00323 * Revision 1.3  2004/05/23 22:49:14  loetzsch
00324 * simplified basic behaviors
00325 *
00326 * Revision 1.2  2004/05/23 20:27:57  loetzsch
00327 * some improvements with the head control
00328 *
00329 * Revision  2004/05/22 17:19:24  cvsadm
00330 * created new repository GT2004_WM
00331 *
00332 * Revision 1.2  2004/05/18 13:40:00  loetzsch
00333 * registered symbols and basic behaviors for GT2004HeadControl,
00334 * renamed some states and basic behaviors
00335 *
00336 * Revision 1.1  2004/05/14 11:37:08  loetzsch
00337 * support for multiple xabsl2engines in different modules
00338 * preliminary GT2004HeadControl (does not work at all)
00339 *
00340 */

Generated on Thu Sep 23 19:57:27 2004 for GT2004 by doxygen 1.3.6