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RobotConfiguration Class Reference

A class that represents the configuration of the robot. More...

#include <RobotConfiguration.h>

Inheritance diagram for RobotConfiguration:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for RobotConfiguration:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RobotConfiguration ()

void load ()
 Loads the data from robot.cfg.

const RobotCalibrationgetRobotCalibration () const
 returns the calibration values of the robot

void setRobotCalibration (const RobotCalibration &r)
 sets the calibration values of the robot

const char * getMacAddressString () const
 returns the mac address of the robot

Design getRobotDesign () const
 returns the design of the robot

const RobotDimensionsgetRobotDimensions () const
 returns the dimensions of the robot

bool handleMessage (InMessage &message)
 updates the robot configuration based on message queue data.

Private Attributes

RobotCalibration robotCalibration
 The calibration values of the robot.

char macAddressString [13]
 The MAC address of the robot.

Design robotDesign
 The design of the robot.

RobotDimensions robotDimensions
 The dimensions of the robot.

Detailed Description

A class that represents the configuration of the robot.

Thomas Röfer

Definition at line 71 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RobotConfiguration::RobotConfiguration  ) 


Definition at line 23 of file RobotConfiguration.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void RobotConfiguration::load  ) 

Loads the data from robot.cfg.

Definition at line 28 of file RobotConfiguration.cpp.

References RobotCalibration::bodyRollOffset, RobotCalibration::bodyTiltOffset, InStream< InFile, InConfig >::eof(), InFile::exists(), SystemCall::getMacAddress(), SystemCall::getRobotDesign(), RobotCalibration::headRollOffset, RobotCalibration::headTiltOffset, macAddressString, RobotCalibration::panFactor, robotCalibration, robotDesign, robotDimensions, RobotCalibration::tilt2Factor, and RobotCalibration::tiltFactor.

Referenced by Process::Process().

Here is the call graph for this function:

const RobotCalibration& RobotConfiguration::getRobotCalibration  )  const [inline]

returns the calibration values of the robot

Definition at line 85 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

References robotCalibration.

Referenced by Kinematics::calculateCameraMatrix(), InvKinWalkingEngine::executeParameterized(), and GT2004WalkingEngine::executeParameterized().

void RobotConfiguration::setRobotCalibration const RobotCalibration r  )  [inline]

sets the calibration values of the robot

Definition at line 88 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

References robotCalibration.

Referenced by CalibrationIndividual::select().

const char* RobotConfiguration::getMacAddressString  )  const [inline]

returns the mac address of the robot

Definition at line 91 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

References macAddressString.

Design RobotConfiguration::getRobotDesign  )  const [inline]

returns the design of the robot

Definition at line 94 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

References robotDesign.

Referenced by Kinematics::calculateCameraMatrix(), GT2004GetupEngine::executeParameterized(), GT2004ParametersSet::load(), GT2004ParametersSet::save(), and PIDData::setToDefaults().

const RobotDimensions& RobotConfiguration::getRobotDimensions  )  const [inline]

returns the dimensions of the robot

Definition at line 97 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

References robotDimensions.

Referenced by Field::addPlayer(), Kinematics::calcAbsRollJoints(), Kinematics::calcHeadHeight(), Kinematics::calcHighestPossibleTilt(), Kinematics::calcLowestPossibleTilt(), Kinematics::calcNeckAndLegPositions(), Kinematics::calcNoseHeight(), Kinematics::calcRelativeRobotVertices(), Kinematics::calculateCameraMatrix(), Geometry::calculateScaleFactor(), BallPercept::checkOffset(), GT2004ImageProcessor::execute(), CheckerboardDetector::execute(), Kinematics::getAbsoluteRobotVertices(), GT2004HeadControl::GT2004HeadControl(), GT2004BallLocator::handleSeenBall(), GT2004HeadPathPlanner::init(), Kinematics::jointsFromLegPosition(), Kinematics::kneePositionFromJoints(), Kinematics::legPositionFromJoints(), GT2003MotionNetSpecialActions::readOdometryTable(), Kinematics::transformToLegBase(), and RobotPoseSymbols::updateGoalieDefendPosition().

bool RobotConfiguration::handleMessage InMessage message  ) 

updates the robot configuration based on message queue data.

Definition at line 65 of file RobotConfiguration.cpp.

References InMessage::bin, RobotCalibration::bodyRollOffset, RobotCalibration::bodyTiltOffset, GenericDebugData::data, InMessage::getMessageID(), RobotCalibration::headRollOffset, RobotCalibration::headTiltOffset, idBodyOffsets, RobotCalibration::panFactor, robotCalibration, RobotCalibration::tilt2Factor, and RobotCalibration::tiltFactor.

Referenced by Motion::handleMessage(), and Cognition::handleMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

RobotCalibration RobotConfiguration::robotCalibration [private]

The calibration values of the robot.

Definition at line 103 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

Referenced by getRobotCalibration(), handleMessage(), load(), and setRobotCalibration().

char RobotConfiguration::macAddressString[13] [private]

The MAC address of the robot.

Definition at line 104 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

Referenced by getMacAddressString(), and load().

Design RobotConfiguration::robotDesign [private]

The design of the robot.

Definition at line 105 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

Referenced by getRobotDesign(), and load().

RobotDimensions RobotConfiguration::robotDimensions [private]

The dimensions of the robot.

Definition at line 106 of file RobotConfiguration.h.

Referenced by getRobotDimensions(), and load().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Sep 23 20:11:26 2004 for GT2004 by doxygen 1.3.6