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German Research
Center for Artificial
(DFKI) GmbH Knowledge Management Department DFKI Projektbuero Berlin Alt Moabit 91c D-10559 Berlin Germany |
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or Michael.Sintek@dfki.de |
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+49 30 23895-1808 | |
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+49 631 20575-1020 | |
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my foaf file |
I studied computer science and economics at the University of Kaiserslautern and received the Diplom (master's degree) in 1996. Since then, I am working as a research scientist at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) Kaiserslautern. In the research department for Intelligent Engineering Systems I investigated in the VEGA project logic programming and machine learning approaches for the maintenance of knowledge-bases. In 2000 and 2001, I was project leader of the FRODO project (DFKI Knowledge Management Group) where we develop a framework for building distributed organizational memories.
As a visiting researcher at theStanford Medical Informatics department (August - October 1999 and November 2000 - February 2001) I developed various plugins for the the frame-based knowledge acquisition tool Protégé-2000, incl. the OntoViz ontology visualization tab and the RDFS and OIL backends. In 2002, I was a visiting researcher at the Stanford Database Group and at ISI, working on the Edutella project and the Semantic Web rule language TRIPLE.
Currently, I'm cohead of the Competence Center Semantic Web (CCSW) at DFKI.
Detailed CV (not up-to-date).
Peter Dolog, Nicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Michael Sintek: The Personal Reader: Personalizing and Enriching Learning Resources using Semantic Web Technologies. In: Proc. of AH2004 - International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, August, 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Springer Verlag. PDF file.
Bernd Simon, Peter Dolog, Zoltan Miklos, Michael Sintek, and Daniel Olmedilla: Conceptualising Smart Spaces for Learning. Anderson, T. and Whitelock, D. (eds., 2004). The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education: Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (1), Special Issue on the Educational Semantic Web. ISSN:1365-893X. PDF file.
Peter Dolog, Nicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Michael Sintek: Personalization in Distributed eLearning Environments. In: Proc. of WWW2004 - The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference, New York, USA, 2004. ACM. PDF file.
Peter Dolog, Nicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Michael Sintek: Towards the Adaptive Semantic Web. In: Proc. of International Workshop on Workshop on Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning at International Conference on Logic Programming - ILP2003, Mumbai, India, December 2003, Springer Verlag, LNCS 2901. PDF file.
Zoltán Miklós, Gustaf Neumann, Uwe Zdun, Michael Sintek: Querying Semantic Web Resources Using TRIPLE Views. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC’03). 20-23 October 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.
Wolfgang Nejdl and Wolf Siberski and Michael Sintek: Design Issues and Challenges for RDF- and Schema-Based Peer-to-Peer Systems. In: SIGMOD Record, September 2003, Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer Data Management. PDF file.
W. Nejdl, Boris Wolf, Wolf Siberski, Changtao Qu, Stefan Decker, Michael Sintek, Ambjörn Naeve, Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmer, Tore Risch, Edutella: P2P Networking for the Semantic Web. Technical Report, 2003. PDF file.
J.Brase, W. Nejdl, M. Painter, M. Sintek, U. Thaden: Intelligent Authoring metadata for a semantic web peer-to-peer environment (Long version). Technical Report, May 2003. PDF file.
Simon, Bernd; Miklos, Zoltan; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Sintek, Michael; Salvachua, Joaquin: Elena: A Mediation Infrastructure for Educational Services. 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), Budapest, Hungary, May 2003. PDF file.
Stefan Decker, Michael Sintek, W. Nejdl: The Model-Theoretic Semantics of TRIPLE. Technical Report, November 2002. PDF file.
Nejdl, Wolfgang; Schlosser, Mario; Siberski, Wolf; Wolpers, Martin; Simon, Bernd; Decker, Stefan; Sintek, Michael: RDF-based Peer-To-Peer-Networks for Distributed (Learning) Repositories. Technical Report, November 2002. PDF file.
Mario Schlosser, Michael Sintek, Stefan Decker, Wolfgang Nejdl: A scalable and ontology-based P2P Infrastructure for Semantic Web Services. 2nd International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Copmuting, Linköping, Sweden, September 2002. PDF file.
Stefan Decker, Mario Schlosser, Michael Sintek, Wolfgang Nejdl: HyperCuP - Hypercubes, Ontologies and Efficient Search on P2P Networks. International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Coputing, Bologna, Italy, July 2002. PDF file.
Michael Sintek, Stefan Decker: TRIPLE--A Query, Inference, and Transformation Language for the Semantic Web. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Sardinia, June 2002. Abstract with RDF annotations. Available as PS file and PDF file.
Mario Schlosser, Michael Sintek, Stefan Decker, Wolfgang Nejdl: Ontology-Based Search and Broadcast in HyperCuP (Abstract), A Scalable and Ontology-based P2P Infrastructure for Semantic Web Services (Poster). Poster presented at: International Semantic Web Conference, Sardinia, 2002. Poster won Best Poster Award. Abstract as PDF. Poster as PDF.
Mario Schlosser, Michael Sintek, Stefan Decker, Wolfgang Nejdl: HyperCuP--Shaping Up Peer-to-Peer Networks. Technical Report, 2002. PDF file.
Stefan Decker, Michael Sintek, W. Nejdl: TRIPLE: A Logic for Reasoning with Parameterized Views over Semi-Structured Data. Technical Report, July 2002. PDF file.
Wolfgang Nejdl, Boris Wolf, Changtao Qu, Stefan Decker, Michael Sintek, Ambjörn Naeve, Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmer, Tore Risch: EDUTELLA: A P2P Networking Infrastructure Based on RDF. 11th Iternational World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Hawaii, USA, May 2002. PDF file.
Michael Sintek, Stefan Decker: TRIPLE---An RDF Query, Inference, and Transformation Language. Proceedings of DDLP'2001. Available as PS file.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Ludger van Elst, Andreas Lauer, Heiko Maus, Sven Schwarz, and Michael Sintek: FRODO: A Framework for Distributed Organizations - Milestone M1: Requirements Analysis and System Architecture. DFKI Document D-01-01, 2001. Partially in German.Michael Sintek, Markus Junker, Ludger van Elst, Andreas Abecker: Position Statement accepted for IJCAI'2001. Workshop on Ontology Learning, August 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. PDF file.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Michael Sintek, Knut Hinkelmann. Enterprise Information Infrastructures for Active, Context-Sensitive Knowledge Delivery.In: Stuart Barnes (ed.) Knowledge Management Systems: Theory and Practice.International Thomson Business Press, 2001.1991 - 2000
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Heiko Maus, Michael Sintek, and Claudia Wenzel: Information Supply for Business Processes - Coupling Workflow with Document Analysis and Information Retrieval. Accepted for:Knowledge-Based Systems Journal, Special Issue on AI in Knowledge Management, Elsevier, 2000.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, and Michael Sintek. Proactive Knowledge Delivery for Enterprise Knowledge Management. In Guenther Ruhe and Frank Bomarius (eds.) Learning Software Organizations - Methodology and Applications. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Available as gzipped postscript file.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut Hinkelmann, Otto Kühn, and Michael Sintek. Context-Aware, Proactive Delivery of Task-Specific Knowledge: The KnowMore Project. Int. Journal on Information Systems Frontiers (ISF), Special Issue on Knowledge Management and Organizational Memory, Kluwer, 2000.
Harold Boley, Stefan Decker, and Michael Sintek: Tutorial on Knowledge Markup Techniques. ECAI 2000, Berlin, 20-25 August 2000. Available as online presentation and PS & PDF file.
Michael Sintek, Bidjan Tschaitschian, Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, and Heinz-Jürgen Müller: Using Ontologies for Advanced Information Access. In: John Domingue (ed.) PAKeM 2000, The Third International Conference and Exhibition on The Practical Application of Knowledge Management, Wednesday April 12 - Friday April 14, 2000, Manchester, UK.
Markus Junker, Michael Sintek, and Matthias Rinck: Learning for Text Categorization and Information Extraction with ILP. Workshop on Learning Language in Logic, Bled, Slovenia, 1999. Availabe as PS file and PDF file.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, and Michael Sintek. Proactive Knowledge Delivery for Enterprise Knowledge Management. In: KnowTechForum´99, International Knowledge Technology Forum, Potsdam, Germany, September 16-18, 1999.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, and Michael Sintek: Developing a Knowledge Management Technology - An Encompassing View on KnowMore, Know-Net, and Enrich. Presented at: IEEE WET-ICE '99 Workshop on Knowledge Media Networking, Stanford, 16-18 June 1999. Available as gzipped PS file, gzipped PDF file, and Powerpoint slides.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, and Michael Sintek. Enterprise Information Infrastructures for Active, Context-Sensitive Knowledge Delivery.In:ECIS'99 - The 7th European Conference on Information Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark. June 1999. Available as HTML file.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, and Michael Sintek. Proactive Knowledge Delivery for Enterprise Knowledge Management. Accepted for publication in: SEKE'99 The Eleventh International Conference on Software and Knowledge Engineering. Kaiserslautern, Germany, June 17-19 1999.
Minghong Liao, Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut Hinkelmann, and Michael Sintek. Ontologies for Knowledge Retrieval in Organizational Memories. Accepted for publication in: Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LSO) at SEKE'99, Kaiserslautern, Germany. June 16 1999. Available as gzipped PS file and gzipped PDF file.
Minghong Liao, Knut Hinkelmann, Andreas Abecker, and Michael Sintek. A Competence Knowledge Base System for the Organizational Memory. In: Frank Puppe (ed.) XPS-99 / 5. Deutsche Tagung Wissensbasierte Systeme, Würzburg, Springer Verlag, LNAI 1570, March 1999. Available as gzipped PS file and gzipped PDF file.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut Hinkelmann, Otto Kühn, and Michael Sintek. Toward a Technology for Organizational Memories.IEEE Intelligent Systems & Their Applications, Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June 1998. Available as gzipped PDF file.
Andreas Abecker, Michael Sintek, and Holger Wirtz. From Hypermedia Information Retrieval to Knowledge Management in Enterprises. In: First International Forum on Multimedia & Image Processing (IFMIP'98). Anchorage, Alaska, USA. May 1998.
Ansgar Bernardi, Michael Sintek, and Andreas Abecker. Combining Artificial Intelligence, Database Technology, and Hypermedia for Intelligent Fault Recording. In: Sixth International Symposium on Manufacturing with Applications (ISOMA'98). Anchorage, Alaska, USA. May 1998. This paper received the ISOMA-98 Best Paper Award.
Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut Hinkelmann, Otto Kühn and Michael Sintek. Techniques for Organizational Memory Information Systems. DFKI Document D-98-02, 1998. Available as gzipped PS file and gzipped PDF file.
Andreas Abecker and Ansgar Bernardi and Knut Hinkelmann and Otto Kühn and Michael Sintek. Towards a Well-Founded Technology For Organizational Memories. AAAI Spring Symposium Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management, Stanford University, March 1997.
Harold Boley, Simone Andel, Klaus Elsbernd, Michael Herfert, Michael Sintek, Werner Stein. RELFUN Guide: Programming with Relations and Functions Made Easy. Document D-93-12, DFKI GmbH, July 1996. Second, Revised Edition.
Harold Boley, Klaus Elsbernd, Hans-Guenther Hein, Thomas Krause, Markus Perling, Michael Sintek, Werner Stein. RFM Manual: Compiling RELFUN into the Relational/Functional Machine. Document D-91-03, DFKI GmbH, July 1996. Third, Revised Edition.
Wolfgang Goerigk, Harold Boley, Ulrich Hoffmann, Markus Perling, Michael Sintek. Komplettkompilation von Lisp: Eine Studie zur Übersetzung von Lisp-Software für C-Umgebungen. KI, 2, Juni 1996.
Michael Sintek. FLIP: Functional-plus-Logic Programming on an Integrated Platform. Technical Memo TM-95-02, DFKI GmbH, May 1995.
Michael Sintek. FLIP: Functional-plus-Logic Programming on an Integrated Platform. 3rd Workshop on Functional Logic Programming, Schwarzenberg, Germany, January 1994.
M. Sintek, W. Stein, U. Buhrmann. Validation and Exploration of the Period System of the Elements: A RELFUN Knowledge Base. In Harold Boley, editor, A Sampler of Relational/Functional Definitions, TM-91-04. DFKI GmbH, March 1991. Second, Revised Edition July 1993.
Michael Sintek. Indexing PROLOG Procedures into DAGs by Heuristic Classification. DFKI Technical Memo TM-93-05, DFKI GmbH, 1993.
Werner Stein, Michael Sintek. A Generalized Intelligent Indexing Method. In Workshop "Sprachen für KI-Anwendungen, Konzepte - Methoden - Implementierungen" in Bad Honnef, 12/92-1. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Münster, May 1992.
Harold Boley, Philipp Hanschke, Martin Harm, Knut Hinkelmann, Thomas Labisch, Manfred Meyer, Jörg Müller, Thomas Oltzen, Michael Sintek, Werner Stein, Frank Steinle. muCAD2NC: A Declarative Lathe-Workplanning Model Transforming CADlike Geometries into Abstract NC Programs. DFKI Document D-91-15, DFKI GmbH, November 1991.
W. Stein, M. Sintek. RELFUN/X: An Experimental PROLOG Implementation of RELFUN. ARC-TEC Document 91-1, DFKI GmbH, March 1991.