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Representations/Motion/MotorCommands.cpp File Reference

Implementation of class MotorCommands. More...

#include "MotorCommands.h"

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Inoperator>> (In &stream, MotorCommands &motorCommands)
 System-independent operator that reads motor commands from a stream.

Detailed Description

Implementation of class MotorCommands.

Definition in file MotorCommands.cpp.

Function Documentation

In& operator>> In stream,
MotorCommands motorCommands

System-independent operator that reads motor commands from a stream.

stream The stream from which is read.
motorCommands The system independent motor commands object.
The stream.

Definition at line 17 of file MotorCommands.cpp.

Generated on Thu Sep 23 20:01:13 2004 for GT2004 by doxygen 1.3.6