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00001 /**
00002 * @file GT2004CollisionDetector.h
00003 * 
00004 * This file contains a class for Collision Detection.
00005 */
00007 #ifndef __GT2004CollisionDetector_h_
00008 #define __GT2004CollisionDetector_h_
00010 #include "CollisionDetector.h"
00011 #include "Representations/Perception/SensorData.h"
00013 /**
00014 * @class GT2004CollisionDetector
00015 * 
00016 * The default CollisionDetector in the GT2004 project.
00017 */
00018 class GT2004CollisionDetector : public CollisionDetector
00019 {
00020 private:
00021   int ringBuffer[SensorData::numOfSensor_ERS210][128][2];
00022   int floatingAvg[SensorData::numOfSensor_ERS210][SensorDataBuffer::maxNumOfFrames][16];
00023   int minAvg[SensorData::numOfSensor_ERS210][SensorDataBuffer::maxNumOfFrames]; //best matching phase delay
00024   int threshold[SensorData::numOfSensor_ERS210][3]; //min, max and current threshold value
00025   int oldVal;           // the old Difference between Sensor and actor
00026   int newVal;           // the new Difference between Sensor and actor
00027   int index;            // number of the sensor data number rounded to quadruples
00028   int min;              // minimum delay value for sensor to actor delay in 125ths seconds
00029   int max;              // maximum delay value for sensor to actor delay in 125ths seconds
00030   int infin;            // very large integer
00031   int walkingMode;      // 0 = out of range, 1 = just straight, 2 = just side, 3 = left, 4 = right, 5 = rotation
00032   int q;                // Queue length
00034   double lastMotionChange; // frame number of last motion change
00035   double currentMotionX;      // current motion.x value
00036   double currentMotionY;      // current motion.y value
00037   double currentRotation;     // current rotation value
00038   double lastMotionX;      // previous motion.x value
00039   double lastMotionY;      // previous motion.y value
00040   double lastRotation;     // previous rotation value
00041   double motionChangeThresholdX; // threshold which is allowed from one to another x motion speed
00042   double motionChangeThresholdY; // threshold which is allowed from one to another y motion speed
00043   double motionChangeThresholdR; // threshold which is allowed from one to another rot. motion speed
00045   double frontMin; //minimum front walking speed value which is allowed for recognition
00046   double frontMax; //maximum front walking speed value which is allowed for recognition
00047   double backMin; //minimum front walking speed value which is allowed for recognition
00048   double backMax; //maximum front walking speed value which is allowed for recognition
00049   double sideMin; //minimum side walking speed value which is allowed for recognition
00050   double sideMax; //maximum side walking speed value which is allowed for recognition
00051   double rotMin; //minimum rotating speed value which is allowed for recognition
00052   double rotMax; //maximum rotating speed value which is allowed for recognition
00053   double calmDown; // the number of frames it takes the robot to wait after motion change in 125th secs.
00054   double scaleThresholdFore; // a scale factor for foreward move thresholds
00055   double scaleThresholdBack; // a scale factor for backward move thresholds
00056   double scaleThresholdSide; // a scale factor for side move thresholds
00057   double scaleThresholdRot;  // a scale factor for rotation move thresholds
00058   double motionChangeThresholdFactor; // a scale factor to compensate motion changes
00059   double lastTooBigMotionChange;      //last motion change that has too be considered in col.det.
00060   double xRatio; // Difference between two straight movements
00061   double yRatio; // Difference between two side movements
00062   double rRatio; // Difference between two rotation movements
00065   /* DEBUG /
00067   double maxfl1;
00068   double maxfl2;
00069   double maxfr1;
00070   double maxfr2;
00071   double maxhl1;
00072   double maxhl2;
00073   double maxhr1;
00074   double maxhr2;
00075   */
00077 public:
00078   /**
00079   * Constructor
00080   *
00081   */
00082   GT2004CollisionDetector(const CollisionDetectorInterfaces& interfaces);
00084   /** Executes the module */
00085   virtual void execute();
00087 private:
00088   /** Calculated the angle thresholds */
00089   void calculateThresholds();
00090 };
00092 #endif// __GT2004CollisionDetector_h_
00094 /*
00095  * Change log : 
00096  *
00097  *  $Log: GT2004CollisionDetector.h,v $
00098  *  Revision 1.2  2004/09/08 14:39:02  wachter
00099  *  - Fixed some doxygen-errors
00100  *
00101  *  Revision 1.1  2004/07/10 00:18:29  spranger
00102  *  renamed (readded) for coderelease
00103  *
00104  *  Revision  2004/05/22 17:19:08  cvsadm
00105  *  created new repository GT2004_WM
00106  *
00107  *  Revision 1.3  2004/03/08 01:38:49  roefer
00108  *  Interfaces should be const
00109  *
00110  *  Revision 1.2  2003/12/31 20:16:13  roefer
00111  *  SensorData for ERS-7
00112  *
00113  *  Revision 1.1  2003/10/06 14:10:14  cvsadm
00114  *  Created GT2004 (M.J.)
00115  *
00116  *  Revision 1.7  2003/09/26 15:27:49  juengel
00117  *  Renamed DataTypes to representations.
00118  *
00119  *  Revision 1.6  2003/07/15 12:49:14  goehring
00120  *  Speed optimized
00121  *
00122  */

Generated on Thu Sep 23 19:57:27 2004 for GT2004 by doxygen 1.3.6