Dr.-Ing. Martin Memmel

German Research Center for AI
Trippstadter Straße 122, Room 3.25
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
phone +49-631-20575-1210
fax +49-631-20575-1030
mail memmel[at]dfki.de

I studied mathematics and computer science at the TU Kaiserslautern and work as a researcher, consultant and head of the SCLL (SmartCity Living Lab) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) since 2003. I initiated and led numerous projects with partners from research, industry and public administration and authored a variety of national and international publications. My research interests are the use of AI and data-driven approaches in Smart Cities and interactions of AI and social processes, and I did my PhD on potentials of using social media technologies for improved access to digital content. I am also founder of the DFKI spin-off Quertex GmbH and co-founder of the architecture startup baukobox GmbH founded in 2018.

Work, Projects

Current Work and Projects

Logo DFKI SmartCity Living Lab
I am head of the SmartCity Living Lab (SCLL), an interdisciplinary research project at DFKI. In the SCLL, we are developing and testing innovative information and communication technology for the cities of tomorrow. At our Kaiserslautern site, in cooperation with partner institutions, we are researching how modern technology can be deployed sensibly and systematically in cities so that it can contribute in different areas to sustainable urban development. We have local partners like the City of Kaiserslautern, the TU Kaiserslautern, Fraunhofer IESE, and Fraunhofer ITWM, and also work closely together with other partners such as the Metropolregion Rhein Neckar (MRN) GmbH and the Tegel Projekt GmbH.
Logo ARL
Digitalization and the use of AI are having a decisive impact on social and economic development. These developments also present spatial planning and spatial development with new challenges, particularly in terms of a future-oriented, sustainable, public welfare-oriented and resilient design of all spaces. I am am member of the working group Use of Artificial Intelligence in Spatial Development at the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association that systematically works on the spatial relevance of the use of AI, evaluates and discusses existing and predicted developments and identifies possible courses of action/strategies for science and practice.
Logo Ageing Smart
The interdisciplinary research project Ageing Smart - Designing Spaces Intelligently at the TU Kaiserslautern addresses the "baby boomer" generation born between 1955 and 1969. As they gradually enter retirement age, municipalities are challenged to create age-appropriate residential locations and supply structures. In an integrated approach, the researchers are therefore bringing together spatial planning, infrastructural and supply-side approaches from the perspective of the "baby boomers" and the municipalities. The aim is to develop a data-based system that serves as a decision-making aid for public actors in their planning processes. The project will run from 2021 to 2026 and is funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation. The Knowledge-Based Systems department and DFKI are part of the project consortium and responsible for the use and development of AI-based methods and the realisation of the decision support system. I am part of the project board and coordinate the contributions of the SCLL.
Smart City Kaiserslautern
Within the framework of BMWSB's "Model Projects Smart Cities" (MPSC), DFKI is a formal cooperation partner of the city of Kaiserslautern and, specifically through the SmartCity Living Lab, plays a significant role in the conception of urban data management and contributes its experience in concrete individual projects and in fundamental digitisation processes, especially in the organisation of data from a wide range of sources. Other topics include the use and testing of technologies from application-oriented (AI) research for administration (e.g. in data integration, data analysis or document and image processing). The cooperation uses networks externally, but also within the city, to strengthen the bridge to the research landscape with universities and institutes. As the person responsible for this cooperation, I was part of the city's digitization unit (Stabsstelle Digitalisierung) that now has become part of a new digitization department, and I am part of the technical project management of the MPSC projects.
I am technical leader of mindpool, DFKI's internal project aiming to offer a social media suite for all DFKI employees (in Berlin, Bremen, Kaiserslautern, Lübeck, Oldenburg, Osnabrück, and Saarbrücken). Mindpool is a social resource sharing platform based on ALOE and contains information items such as galleries, visits, and press coverage. Several strategies to encourage users to participate were developed to foster the creation of a sustainable community.


Previous Projects

Logo AScore
The consortium project AScore is being funded by the the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) from 01/2021 until 12/2021. The main objective of AScore is the design and development of a simulation-based management cockpit for municipal crisis management in the event of escalating infectious diseases using the example of the municipality of Kaiserslautern and the COVID-19-Pandemic, employing methods from the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly smart cities technologies and agent-based social simulation. DFKI is the consortium leader and I am responsible for the contributions from the SmartCity Living Lab.
Studie KI in Mittelstädten
In 2020 I was co-authoring a study on ideas, concepts, and developments of AI in small medium-sized towns in Rhineland-Palatinate. It was funded by the Entwicklungsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. and is a joint work by the department of Stadtsoziologie at the TU Kaiserslautern, DFKI, and Fraunhofer IESE. I was providing DFKI's contributions.
The GaNEsHA project was funded by the the Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) from 06/2017 until 10/2020. The GaNEsHA consortium wanted to realize a system that processes network and traffic information in order to achieve an overall optimum. Big data technologies was applied to develop special logistics optimization procedures that are able to calculate individual recommendations, and user-friendly applications passed the calculated routes to all participants. Incentive systems also playes a central role. In GaNEsHA, DFKI focused on developing and simulating algorithms that analyze traffic and provide recommendations, and on developing web-based tools to collect location-based feedback from GaNEsHA users.
Gutachten EA
In 2018 and 2019 I was co-authoring a study on the effects of artificial systems in particular and digitalization in general on communal life in Rhineland-Palatinate 2050. It was funded by the Entwicklungsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. and is a joint work by the department of Stadtsoziologie at the TU Kaiserslautern, DFKI, and Fraunhofer IESE. I was providing DFKI's contributions.
The project SmartRegio aimed at exploiting heterogeneous mass data in urban contexts in order to offer better services especially for local SMEs. DFKIs focus was on analyzing social media contributions with spatial dimensions, and on the provision of data mining technologies. SmartRegio was funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) from 12/2014 until 06/2017.
I was leading the project NEXUS that aimed at supporting the adaptive information exchange in collaborative settings, with a focus on aggregating and integrating a variety of data sources from the social and semantic web. NEXUS was funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) from 12/2011 until 11/2014.
The aim of the project RADAR (Resource Annotation and Delivery for Mobile Augmented Reality Services) was the development of an infrastructure to contribute, organize and annotate multimedia resources that can be used within mobile augmented reality services. By focusing on design and usability, the use of open standards for the integration of all established types of multimedia content, reusability of contents, and integrability of services in other contexts, we established an open ecosystem that allows to make the abundance of location-dependent digital resources available in mobile augmented reality services. Besides adapters for existing services like Aloqa, Junaio, Layar or Wikitude, a new personalized and location-based mobile augmented reality service has also been developed. RADAR was sponsored by the Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation from 03/2010 until 02/2011, and I was the project initiator and leader.
The goal of iGreen was to realize a distributed network of location-based services and knowledge sources (i.e. enabling the integration of decentralized, highly heterogeneous public/private information sources) relevant for the domain of agriculture. iGreen also aimed at providing a framework for the development of mobile decision support systems. Within iGreen, I was responsible for the planned expert network which was based on the ALOE system. iGreen was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF from 2009 to 2012.
Within the Cluster of Excellency "Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling" (CMCM), I was responsible for DFKI's contributions to the development of a Web of Models. The focus in our sub-project WeWoM was on using social media to build up a sustainable community, and to enable a social Web of Models. Therefore, ALOE was used as a basis. CMCM started in 2008 and was funded by the Government of Rhineland-Palatinate until 2013.
The objective of the European Project MACE (Metadata for Architectural Contents in Europe) was to create a common infrastructure for enriching and retrieving educational contents about architecture in Europe. It was co-funded by the EU eContentPlus program from 09/2006 until 10/2009. DFKI was partner in the consortium, and I was coordinating our contributions.
I was leader of the project C-LINK (Conference Link). The aim of C-LINK was the development of a web based tool to support conference attendees. With C-LINK, users can share papers and presentations, generate individual conference schedules, get personalized recommendations to find interesting events and attendees, etc. C-LINK is based on the social resource sharing platform ALOE and serves as a showcase for DFKI technologies (e.g., the information retrieval system DynaQ). It was used during the KI 2008 (the Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence) in Kaiserslautern and the ICDAR 2009 (the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition) in Barcelona. C-LINK was an internal DFKI project funded from 03/2008 until 12/2008.
I was also leader of the project CoMet (Collaborative Sharing of Resources and Metadata), where we developed an open platform to share metadata about arbitrary types of digital resources. Access to the system was possible via a web interface with a lot of Web2.0 functionalities, and a SOAP API allowed the integration into different contexts and applications. CoMet was sponsored by the Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation from 04/2007 until 03/2008.
Topics of the project AIM (Adaptive, Interactive, and Multi-Perspective Document Management & Knowledge Navigation) were the design and implementation of a framework for the support of adaptive, interactive and multiperspective knowledge management as well as the application of this framework to different domains. AIM was part of the DASMOD (Dependable Adaptive Systems and Mathematical Modeling) Cluster of Excellence at the University of Kaiserslautern (funded by the Government of Rhineland-Palatinate). Participating research groups were the DFKI "Knowledge Management" group and the Fraunhofer ITWM "Adaptive Systems" section. I'm responsible for DFKI's part... [Wiki]
Knowledge-Based Systems Group
At the University of Kaiserslautern, I was part of the Knowledge-Based Systems Group staff from 2003 to 2006, contact person for several lectures and supervising several works of students. [teaching activities]
The aim of the project BibTutor (sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF) was to develop an electronic tutor system for research in information sources. The focus of my work in this project was on metadata (especially for information modules), user modeling and adaptivity.
CityGuide Mobile
CityGuide Mobile is an interactive and innovative navigation system for pedestrians requiring just a standard mobile phone or handheld computer. The project was initiated by DFKI and won the multimedia contest 2003/04 of the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate "Media in Motion". The system was developed in the face of the FIFA World Cup 2006™ in a consortium together with the City of Kaiserslautern and Webnologic Internet Systems. DFKI was consortium leader, and I was the project director.
I was also project leader for DFKI's 2nd activity in conjunction with the FIFA World Cup 2006™: For the City of Kaiserslautern, DFKI was presenting "AIBO Soccer" events in the face of the FIFA World Cup 2006™. Amongst others, the AIBOs played in Berlin, New York and Yokohama! AIBOs are ordinary Sony Roboter dogs, and they are equipped with the software of the RoboCup World Champion 2004 and 2005: The German Team. Special thanks to the Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) in Bremen for enabling these events by support and training!
DaMiT (Data Mining Tutor) was research and development project sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) from 2001 to 2003. DaMiT abbreviates "Data Mining Tutor" and is an Internet-based Intelligent Tutoring System for the domain of knowledge discovery and data mining. In DaMiT, I was responsible for the authoring tool and the conception of the Learning Object architecture and metadata.


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Annette Spellerberg, Klaus J. Beckmann, Emilia Bruck, Dirk Engelke, Martina Hülz, Stefan Höffken, Florian Koch, Jens Libbe, Martin Memmel, Frank Othengrafen, Eva Maria Reinecke and Eva Schweitzer.
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Raumentwicklung - Impulse für die Praxis und Forschung.
Positionspapier aus der ARL 151, ARL - Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, 2024.

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Konrad Götz, Ansgar Bernardi, Jutta Deffner, Jan-Marc Joost, Martin Memmel, and Laura Trost.
Zukunftsfähige Mobilität für Waldenbuch. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Projekts Smyile.
ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie 74, 2024.

[pdf] [bib]
Martin Memmel and Akhil Yeerasam.
SMEXI - A Data-Based Approach for the Small-Scale Investigation of Sustainability Goals in Cities.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile, Pietro Elisei, Clemens Beyer, Judith Ryser and Hans Rüdiger Kaufmann, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2024, pages 517-525, 2024.

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Julia Mayer, Martin Memmel, Johannes Ruf, Dhruv Patel and Sascha Henninger.
Progressing towards Estimates of Local Emissions from Trees in Cities: A Transdisciplinary Framework Integrating Available Municipal Data, AI, and Citizen Science.
In Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1, 2024.

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Julia Mayer, Lena Hoff, Johannes Ruf, Martin Memmel and Sascha Henninger.
Bäume im Bild: Wie ein transdisziplinärer Ansatz und KI zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität eines städtischen digitalen Baumkatasters beitragen können.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile, Pietro Elisei, Clemens Beyer, Judith Ryser and Hans Rüdiger Kaufmann, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2023, pages 61-71, 2023.

[Link] [bib]
Armin Fuhrer.
KI ist nur ein Erfüllungsgehilfe (Interview mit Dr. Martin Memmel).
Modernes Bauwesen - Deutschlands Bau- und Stadtentwicklung zwischen Tradition und Zukunft, contentway, 2023, page 25.

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Julia Mayer and Martin Memmel.
Mit Metadaten durch den urbanen Datendschungel - Verwaltung und Nutzung kommunaler Daten im Forschungsprojekt „Ageing Smart – Räume intelligent gestalten“.
In vhw Verbandszeitschrift Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung, 2023(1), pages 5-8, 2023.

Ingo Timm, Jan Ole Berndt and Martin Memmel.
AScore - Cockpit für regionales Pandemiemanagement.
In Infoline: Das bfd-Magazin, 2022, 25, pages 20-23, 2022.

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Martin Memmel and Andreas Dengel.
Künstliche Intelligenz - Zwischen Ängsten und Erwartungen, Hype und Realität.
Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (IzR), Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), 2021, 3, pages 4-11.

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Annette Spellerberg, Matthias Berg, Martin Memmel and Ricarda Walter.
Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz - Rheinland-Pfalz 2050: Rahmenbedingungen für gemeinwohlorientierte Entwicklungen.
Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (IzR), Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), 2021, 3, pages 80-85.

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Martin Memmel, Jan Ole Berndt and Ingo Timm.
AScore - Developing a Cockpit for Regional Pandemic Management in Germany with Agent-Based Social Simulation.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile, Pietro Elisei, Clemens Beyer, Judith Ryser and Gernot Stöglehner, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2021, pages 65-75, 2021.

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Annette Spellerberg, Ricarda Walter, Matthias Berg, Martin Memmel, Oliver Bleisinger, Michaela Ehbrecht and Christian Malek.
Künstliche Intelligenz in Mittelstädten - Mittendrin oder außen vor?
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2021.

Maximilian Ueberham.
Urbanes Datenmanagement mit smarten Sensoren (Interview mit Dr. Martin Memmel und Dr. Martin Verlage).
gis.Business, 2021, 1, pages 39-40.

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Matthias Berg, Christoph Giehl, Matthias Koch, Martin Memmel, Annette Spellerberg and Ricarda Walter.
Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zu den Auswirkungen künstlicher Systeme im Speziellen und der Digitalisierung im Allgemeinen auf das kommunale Leben in Rheinland-Pfalz 2050.
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2019.

Stefan Höffken, Bianca Katharina Lüders and Martin Memmel.
Künstliche Intelligenz und Stadt - Eine kurze Einführung, Potenziale und Herausforderungen für die Planung.
Planerin: Fachzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung, 2019, 1, pages 5-8.

Stefan Höffken and Martin Memmel.
Editorial: Künstliche Intelligenz - Die Transformation gestalten.
Planerin: Fachzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung, 2019, 1, pages 3-4.

Dirk Andres, Martin Memmel and Till Nagel.
WanderVis - Interaktive Visualisierung von Bevölkerungsbewegungen.
Planerin: Fachzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung, 2018, 2, pages 27-30.

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Antonella Radicchi, Dietrich Henckel and Martin Memmel.
Citizens as smart, active sensors for a quiet and just city. The case of the "open source soundscapes" approach to identify, assess and plan "everyday quiet areas" in cities.
Noise Mapping, 5(1), pages 1-20, 2018.
(among top cited papers in Noise Mapping)

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Martin Memmel, Andreas Abecker, Sebastian Bretthauer, Heinz Kirchmann, Roman Korf, Markus May and Richard Wacker.
Smart Regio - Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile, Pietro Elisei and Clemens Beyer, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2017, pages 507-519, 2017.

Martin Memmel, Andreas Dengel, Didier Stricker and Paul Lukowicz.
Künstliche Intelligenz für die Stadt von morgen.
In Transforming Cities, 1-2016, pages 46-50.
Munich, Germany. 2016.

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Martin Memmel.
Mehrwert und Mehrwertgenerierung.
In Smart Data Geschäftsmodelle, pages 7-9.
Smart-Data-Begleitforschung, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik.

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Martin Memmel.
Socially Enhanced Access to Digital Resources.
Doctoral Thesis, University of Kaiserslautern, 2015.

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Jochen Kuhn, Alexander Nussbaumer, Dietrich Albert, Owen Conlan, Andreas Dengel, Christian Gütl, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Martin Memmel, Alain Pagani, Johanna Pirker, Christina M. Steiner.
Advancing Physics Learning Through Traversing a Multi-Modal Experimentation Space.
In Workshop Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, pages 373-380, 2015.

Stefan Höffken, Martin Memmel, Maximilian Vollmer and Rüdiger Noll.
Kollaboratives Leerstandsmangement.
In gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik, pages 30-39.

Caroline Sabty, Martin Memmel, Slim Abdennadher.
GeoEvents - An Interactive Tool to Analyze and Visualize Spatial Information from the Social Web.
In Randall Bilof, editor,
Proceedings of the ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom) 2013, pages 803-808, 2013.

Benjamin Bergner, Jan Exner, Martin Memmel, Rania Raslan, Manar Talal, Dina Taha and Peter Zeile.
Human Sensory Assessment Linked with Geo- and Mobile-Data Processing Methods in Urban Planning Exemplified on Different Planning Cultures in Germany and Egypt.
In Stan Geertman, John Stillwell and Fred Toppen, editors,
Proceedings of CUPUM 2013, pages 1-18, 2013.

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Benjamin Bergner, Jan Exner, Martin Memmel, Rania Raslan, Dina Taha, Manar Talal and Peter Zeile.
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning - a Case Study in Alexandria.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile and Pietro Elisei, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2013, pages 407-417, 2013.
(Best Paper Award)

Peter Zeile, Martin Memmel and Jan Exner.
A New Urban Sensing and Monitoring Approach: Tagging the City with the RADAR SENSING App.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile and Pietro Elisei, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2012, pages 17-25, 2012.

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Martin Wolpers, Martin Memmel, Alberto Giretti, Miquel Casals, Katja Niemann and Marcus Specht.
Supporting Collaborative Learning in the Architectural Domain.
In Alexandra Okada, Teresa Connolly, Peter J. Scott, editors,
Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources, IGI Global, pages 328-356, 2012

Jean-Marie Gaillourdet, Thomas Grundmann, Martin Memmel, Karsten Schmidt, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter and Stefan Deßloch.
WoM: An Open Interactive Platform for Describing, Exploring, and Sharing Mathematical Models.
In Andreas König, Andreas Dengel, Knut Hinkelmann, Koichi Kise, Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain, editors,
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2011), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI, Vol. 6884, pages 126-135.
Springer Verlag, 2011.

Rafael Schirru, Stephan Baumann, Martin Memmel and Andreas Dengel.
Topic-based Recommendations for Enterprise 2.0 Resource Sharing Platforms.
In Andreas König, Andreas Dengel, Knut Hinkelmann, Koichi Kise, Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain, editors,
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2011), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI, Vol. 6881, pages 495-504.
Springer Verlag, 2011.

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Thomas Grundmann, Jean-Marie Gaillourdet, Karsten Schmidt, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, Stefan Deßloch and Martin Memmel.
The Web of Mathematical Models: A Schema-based, Wiki-like, Interactive Platform.
In Christoph Lange and Josef Urban, editors,
Proceedings of the ITP 2011 Workshop on Mathematical Wikis (MathWikis 2011), pages 19-27, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 767, 2011.

Martin Wolpers, Martin Memmel, Katja Niemann, Joris Klerkx, Marcus Specht, Alberto Giretti and Erik Duval.
Aggregating metadata to improve access to resources.
In Reda Alhajj, James Joshi and Mei-Ling Shyu, editors,
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI-2011), pages 187-192, IEEE, 2011.

Martin Memmel, Florian Groß.
RADAR - Potentials for Supporting Urban Development with a Social Geocontent Hub.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich and Peter Zeile, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2011, pages 777-784, 2011.

Benjamin Allbach, Martin Memmel, Peter Zeile and Bernd Streich.
Mobile Augmented City - New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich and Peter Zeile, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2011, pages 633-641, 2011.

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Rafael Schirru, Stephan Baumann, Martin Memmel and Andreas Dengel.
Extraction of Contextualized User Interest Profiles in Social Sharing Platforms.
In Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 16, no. 16, pages 2196-2213.
Graz, November 2010.

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Martin Memmel, Martin Wolpers, Massimiliano Condotta, Katja Niemann and Rafael Schirru.
Introducing a Social Backbone to Support Access to Digital Resources.
In Martin Wolpers, Paul A. Kirschner, Maren Scheffel, Stefanie Lindstaedt and Vania Dimitrova, editors,
EC-TEL 2010 - Sustaining TEL. From Innovation to Learning in Practice
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS, Vol. 6383, pages 560-565.
Springer Verlag, 2010.

Peter Zeile, Martin Memmel.
Baukultur Rheinland-Pfalz im Kontext von Geoweb und Web2.0 mit MACE.
In Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich and Peter Zeile, editors,
Proceedings of REAL CORP 2010, pages 97-105, 2010.

Martin Wolpers, Martin Memmel, and Moritz Stefaner.
Supporting architecture education using the MACE system.
In International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 2(1/2), pages 132-144.
Inderscience, 2010.

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Martin Wolpers, Martin Memmel, Joris Klerkx, Gonzalo Parra, Bram Vandeputte, Erik Duval, Rafael Schirru and Katja Niemann.
Bridging Repositories to form the MACE Experience.
In New Review of Information Networking, Vol. 14(2), pages 102-116.
Routledge, 2009.

Martin Wolpers, Martin Memmel and Alberto Giretti.
Metadata in architecture education - first evaluation results of the MACE system.
In Ulrike Cress, Vania Dimitrova and Marcus Specht, editors,
EC-TEL 2009 - Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS, Vol. 5794, pages 112-126.
Springer Verlag.
(Best Paper Award)

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Martin Wolpers, Martin Memmel, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Martin Friedrich, Marco Jahn and Rafael Schirru.
Usage metadata based support for learning activity reflection.
In Klaus Tochtermann and Hermann Maurer, editors,
Proceedings of I-KNOW '09, Graz, Austria, pages 354-359.
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2009.

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Martin Memmel, Michael Kockler and Rafael Schirru.
Providing Multi Source Tag Recommendations in a Social Resource Sharing Platform.
In Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 15, no. 3, pages 678-691.
Graz, Austria 2009.

Eric Ras, Martin Memmel, Tobias Ley, Stefanie Lindstaedt and Dietrich Albert.
Special Track on Intelligent Assistance for Self-Directed and Organizational Learning (IWL-LOKMOL 2008).
In Hermann Maurer, Frank Kappe, Werner Haas and Klaus Tochtermann, editors,
Proceedings of I-KNOW '08 and I-MEDIA '08, Graz, Austria, pages 276-279.
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2008.

Martin Memmel, Michael Kockler and Rafael Schirru.
Providing Multi Source Tag Recommendations in a Social Resource Sharing Platform.
In Hermann Maurer, Frank Kappe, Werner Haas and Klaus Tochtermann, editors,
Proceedings of I-MEDIA '08, Graz, Austria, pages 226-233.
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2008.

Martin Memmel, Rafael Schirru, Elia Tomadaki and Martin Wolpers.
Towards the Combined Use of Metadata to Improve the Learning Experience.
In Paloma Díaz, Kinshuk, Ignacio Aedo and Eduardo Mora, editors,
Proceedings of the The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Santander, 2008, pages 930-932.

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Martin Memmel, Elia Tomadaki and Martin Wolpers.
An Approach to Enable Collective Intelligence in Digital Repositories.
In Joseph Luca and Edgar R. Weippl, editors,
Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, ED-MEDIA 2008, Vienna, pages 1803-1811.

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Martin Memmel, Eric Ras, Martin Wolpers and Frans Van Assche, editors,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2007), Crete, Greece.
CEUR workshop proceedings, 2007.

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Martin Memmel and Rafael Schirru.
ALOE - A Socially Aware Learning Resource and Metadata Hub.
In Martin Wolpers, Ralf Klamma and Erik Duval, editors,
Proceedings of the EC-TEL 2007 Poster Session.
CEUR workshop proceedings, 2007.

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Martin Memmel and Rafael Schirru.
Sharing Digital Resources and Metadata for Open and Flexible Knowledge Management Systems.
In Klaus Tochtermann and Hermann Maurer, editors,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW) [pdf], Graz, Austria, pages 41-48.
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2007.

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Martin Memmel and Andreas Dengel.
Sharing Contextualized Attention Metadata to Support Personalized Information Retrieval.
In Erik Duval, Jehad Najjar and Martin Wolpers, editors,
Proceedings of the International ACM/IEEE Workshop on Contextualized Attention Metadata: Personalized Access to Digital Resources, pages 19-26.
CEUR workshop proceedings, 2007.

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Martin Memmel, Eric Ras, Klaus P. Jantke and Michael Yacci.
Approaches to Learning Object Oriented Instructional Design.
In A. Koohang and K. Harman, editors,
Learning Objects and Instructional Design, pages 281-326.
Informing Science Press, 2007.

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Thomas Hapke, Martin Memmel and Sandra Zilles.
Benutzerzentrierte Modellierung des Rechercheprozesses in BibTutor.
In M. Ockenfeld, editor,
Proceedings der 28. Online-Tagung der DGI, pages 123-133.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft und Informationspraxis.
Frankfurt am Main, 2006.

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Martin Memmel, Eric Ras, Stephan Weibelzahl, Daniel Burgos, Daniel Olmedilla and Martin Wolpers, editors,
Proceedings of the Joint International Workshop on Professional Learning, Competence Development and Knowledge Management.
Crete, Greece, 2006.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Martin Memmel.
Adaptivity with Multidimensional Learning Objects.
In G. Richards, editor,
Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2005, Vancouver, pages 2221-2230.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Eric Ras, Martin Memmel and Stephan Weibelzahl.
Integration of E-Learning and Knowledge Management - Barriers, Solutions and Future Issues.
In K.-D. Althoff, A. Dengel, R. Bergmann, M. Nick, and T. Roth-Berghofer, editors,
Professional Knowledge Management (Berlin, 2005),
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI, Vol. 3782, pages 155-164.
Springer Verlag.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Klaus P. Jantke, Martin Memmel, Oleg Rostanin and Bernd Rudolf.
Media and Service Integration for Professional E-Learning.
In G. Richards, editor,
Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004, Washington, pages 725-732.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Klaus P. Jantke, Gunter Grieser, Steffen Lange and Martin Memmel.
DaMiT: Data Mining lehren und lernen.
In A. Abecker, S. Bickel, U. Brefeld, I. Drost, N. Henze, O. Herden, M. Minor, T. Scheffer, L. Stojanovic and S. Weibelzahl, editors,
LWA 2004, Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität, 4.-6.Oktober 2004, pages 171-179.
Berlin, 2004.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Martin Memmel and Thomas Roth-Berghofer.
Explanation and e-Learning: A First Pass.
In K.-P. Fähnrich, K. P. Jantke and W. S. Wittig, editors, Von e-Learning bis e-Payment. Das Internet als sicherer Marktplatz, pages 255-263.
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, Berlin, 2004.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Klaus P. Jantke, Gerhard Degel, Gunter Grieser, Martin Memmel, Oleg Rostanin and Bernd Tschiedel.
Technology Enhanced Dimensions in e-Learning.
In M. E. Auer and U. Auer, editors,
International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning, ICL 2004, Sept.29 - Oct.1, 2004, Villach, Austria (CD-ROM),
Villach, 2004.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Martin Memmel.
Bausteine eines durchgängigen Workflows für die Inhaltserstellung in E-Learning-Systemen.
In J. Herrmann, K. P. Jantke and W. S. Wittig, editors, Von e-Learning bis e-Payment. Das Internet als sicherer Marktplatz, pages 133-142.
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, Berlin, 2003.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Gunter Grieser, Steffen Lange and Martin Memmel.
DaMiT: Ein adaptives Tutorsystem für Data-Mining.
In J. Herrmann, K. P. Jantke and W. S. Wittig, editors, Von e-Learning bis e-Payment. Das Internet als sicherer Marktplatz, pages 410-420.
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, Berlin, 2003.

[pdf] [bib] [abstract]
Klaus P. Jantke, Martin Memmel, Oleg Rostanin, Bernhard Thalheim and Bernd Tschiedel.
Decision Support By Learning-On-Demand.
Decision Systems Engineering Workshop (DSE'03).
Klagenfurt, 2003.

Talks, Events

Invited Talks, Panels etc:

Impulse talk "Herausforderungen beim Einsatz von Digitalisierung & KI in der Smart City"
Fachforum "Risikoanalyse Künstliche Intelligenz"
Digitale Verwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz
Mainz, November 2024

Online Panel Discussion "Künstliche Intelligenz – Fluch oder Segen?"
Trans4motion – Wandel und Veränderungen gestalten
November 2024

Keynote "Smarte Städte dank Technologie? Zur Rolle von Digitalisierung & KI im Policy Cycle"
SRL-Jahrestagung "Digitale Welten, reale Städte: Auf dem Weg in eine bessere Planungskultur?"
Berlin, November 2024

Impulse talk "Smarte Städte dank KI? Ein Einblick in Potenziale und Herausforderungen"
3. IKONE DS-Fachtagung "Daten und KI – Bausteine smarter digitaler Lösungen"
Kaiserslautern, October 2024

Keynote "Nur mal kurz die Welt retten? - Zur Rolle von Digitalisierung und KI für mehr Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit"
Workshop KI in der Umweltinformatik (KIU), InformatikFestival 2024 (Hochschule RheinMain)
Wiesbaden, September 2024

Panel moderation at SRL Side event "Wer plant denn da? - Einsatz von digitalen Technologien und KI in der räumlichen Planung"
17. Bundeskongress Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik
Heidelberg, September 2024

Impulse talk "Einsatz von KI in der Raumentwicklung - Herausforderungen und Potenziale"
Fortbildung für Landes- und Regionalplaner und -planerinnen in Bayern: Digitalisierung / Künstliche Intelligenz in der Landes- und Regionalplanung
Kloster Seeon, July 2024

Impulse talk "KI als Schlüssel für eine bessere Stadtentwicklung? Zum Einfluss von KI auf das Leben und Arbeiten in der Stadt von morgen" and Panel Discussion
ThinkTank Architektur & Stadtentwicklung: AI & NEW WAYS OF WORKING
Zurich, Switzerland, May 2024

Keynote "Potenziale und Herausforderungen für KI-Anwendungen in urbanen Planungsprozessen"
digitalMONDAYs - KI Stadt und Raum
Düsseldorf, March 2024

Inteligencia artificial: potencial y retos en la ciudad inteligente
Seminar on law and technology with a focus on smart cities
Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno Derecho, Campus Puebla, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, February 2024

Talk "Game Changer für die Stadt von morgen? Zur Rolle von Digitalisierung & KI im Policy Cycle"
18. Forschungskolloquium des Potentialbereiches "Transformation und Digitalisierung von Region und Stadt" (Leitthema: "Digitalisierung und Transformation in Policies")
Kaiserslautern, January 2024

Keynote "Potenziale und Herausforderungen für KI-Anwendungen im urbanen Raum" und Plenumsdiskussion "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Planung – Chance oder Bedrohung?"
Forum Stadtbaukultur Dortmund
Dortmund, January 2024

Impulse talk "Künstliche Intelligenz: Potentiale und Herausforderungen in der Smart City"
Difu-Dialoge: "Künstliche Intelligenz - Handlungsrahmen und Anwendungsfelder für Kommunen"
November 2023

Symposium "Smart Citys: nachhaltiger und lebenswerter?"
KIT Science Week
Karlsruhe, October 2023

Panel Discussion "Wie erklärt man der KI das Meditieren?"
Stuttgart, September 2023

Keynote "How Can AI and Data-Driven Approaches Support Sustainable Mobility?" and Panel Discussion "AI: Holy Grail or Last Coffin Nail? Artifical Intelligence and Sustainable Mobility"
GIZ Transport and Climate Change Week
Berlin, September 2023

Impulse talk "Künstliche Intelligenz: Perspektiven, Chancen und Grenzen" and Panel Discussion "KI in der Stadtentwicklung: Zwischen Ängsten und Erwartungen, Hype und Realität"
16. Bundeskongress Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik
Side event "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Stadtentwicklung – Instrument oder Akteur?"
Jena, September 2023

¿Puede la IA cambiar las reglas del juego para lograr ciudades más sostenibles? - Introducción de la IA en la Smart City: Retos y oportunidadesSeminar on law and technology with a focus on smart cities
Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno Derecho, Campus Puebla, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, May 2023

Podcast "Martin Memmel – Smart City Living Lab über die Stadt der Zukunft und Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung"
The orange Byte - Der Digitalisierungspodcast von Avanade
April 2023.

Panel "Adaptation and diffusion of innovative technologies"
Indo-German Forum: Sustainable Urban Mobility
German Centre for Research and Innovation - DWIH New Delhi, Online & New Delhi, India, March 2023.

Talk "KI und ihre Auswirkungen auf unsere Lebenswelt - Chancen und Herausforderungen"
Contribution to the learning and discussion process for the preparation of the new Rhineland-Palatinate State Development Programme (LEP V), February 2023.

KI als Schlüssel für smartere Städte? Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus dem SmartCity Living Lab
Lecture Series "Sozioinformatik in der Praxis", RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, January 2023.

Can AI be a Game Changer for more Sustainable Cities? Introducing AI in Smart Cities: Challenges & Opportunities
The 3rd Japanese-German-French AI Symposium: AI for Planetary Challenges in the Anthropocene
AI Japan R&D Network, DWIH Tokyo, Embassy of France to Japan, Tokyo, Japan, October 2022

Improving Reality in Virtual Worlds? Potentials & Limitations of Digital Twins in Smart Cities from a German Perspective
2022 Digital Literacy Global Conference: Digital Twins & Metaverse
Woosong University, Daejeon, South Corea, October 2022

Digitale Transformation und der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz in Mittelstädten – mittendrin oder außen vor? (with Annette Spellerberg and Matthias Berg)
ARL-Kongress 2022: Künftig alles SMART? Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für die Raumentwicklung
Bielefeld, June 2022

Contribuir a dar forma al futuro en el SmartCity Living Lab - ¿Qué hace que una ciudad sea inteligente y qué papel juegan la digitalización y el AI?
Seminar on law and technology with a focus on smart cities
Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno Derecho, Campus Puebla, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, May 2022

Impulsvortrag "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Smart City - eine kurze Einführung, Potenziale und Herausforderungen"
Kick-Off-Veranstaltung Smart-City-Projekt "Land l(i)eben - Digital.Gemeinsam.vorOrt"
Kusel, January 2022

Künstliche Intelligenz und Stadt - eine kurze Einführung, Potenziale und Herausforderungen für die Planung
Seminar series "Die Stadt von Übermorgen" of the Technische Akademie Südwest e.V.
Kaiserslautern, November 2021

Contribuir a dar forma al futuro en el SmartCity Living Lab - El rol de la digitalización, la IA y la ética en la „Smart City“
Seminar on law and technology with a focus on smart cities
Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno Derecho, Campus Puebla, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, October 2021

Talkrunde zu Digitalisierung und Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Fruchthalle Kaiserslautern
Finissage der Ausstellung „Interaktive Installation“ von Thomas Brenner
Kaiserslautern, October 2021.

Digitalisierung und KI in Mittelstädten und der Verwaltung - Studienergebnisse aus Rheinland-Pfalz (with Annette Spellerberg)
IKONE-DS Präsenzveranstaltung
Kaiserslautern, September 2021.

GaNEsHA - Ganzheitlicher Netzwerkansatz zur Erkennung systemimmanenter Hindernisse und Abstimmungspotentiale
IKONE-DS Präsenzveranstaltung
Kaiserslautern, September 2021.

Panel "All we need is data! Wie können Daten für KI genutzt werden?"
WebEvent "Facing AI - Künstlicher Intelligenz ein Gesicht geben"
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wirtschaftliche Verwaltung e.V. (AWV), September 2021.

Impulse Talk "(KI-basierte) Datenerhebung und -analyse als Basis für Entscheidungsunterstützung im Planungsbereich"
Workshop Themenblock Datengrundlagen / Datenanalyse
Online Konferenz "Forschungsagenda Digitale Transformation“, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBSR), September 2021.

Die Zukunft mitgestalten im Smart City Living Lab - KI-basierte Entscheidungsunterstützung für Kommunen im Corona-Krisenmanagement
Digitaltag, June 2021.

Das Smart City Living Lab in Kaiserslautern - Datenbasierte Innovationen für die Stadt der Zukunft
Panel "Daten als interkommunale Ressource: Warum nicht jede Kommune das Rad neu erfinden muss"
WITI-Konferenz "Zukunft gemeinsam gestalten“, Hochschule für Verwaltung in Speyer, April 2021.

Deep Dive "KI und Sicherheit? Smart cities – alles nur positiv?"
Online-Konferenz "Künstliche Intelligenz und Menschenrechte", Europäische Akademie Berlin, February 2021.

Wie wird eine City smart? Grundlagen, Anforderungen & Beispiele aus dem SmartCity Living Lab
Lecture Series "Sozioinformatik in der Praxis", University of Kaiserslautern, January 2021.

KI in der Stadt: Das SmartCity Living Lab in Kaiserslautern
KOMMUNAL-KONVENT – forum bfd digital, September 30th, 2020.

Chancen und Risiken der Künstlichen Intelligenz – Die Zukunft mitgestalten!
OSNA HACK 2020, Osnabrück, June 2020.

Smart in der City, analog & digital
Lecture Series "Sozioinformatik in der Praxis", University of Kaiserslautern, January 2020.

Daten sammeln - Wieso sind Daten so wichtig, und was sollte man beim Umgang mit ihnen beachten?
Lecture Series "Donuts & Digitalisierung", Hochschule Mannheim, November 2019.

Panel Discussion: Mind the Gap
Leerstandsfestival Nukleus, Ludwigshafen, October 2019.

Die Stadt gehört uns! Analoge und digitale Aneignung urbaner Räume
Leerstandsfestival Nukleus, Ludwigshafen, October 2019.

Neuland Künstliche Intelligenz - Potenziale und Herausforderungen
Zukunftskonferenz "Digitalisierung im ländlichen Raum - SmartCountry Kreis Steinfurt", Ibbenbühren, October 2019.

Panel Discussion: KI und Architektur - Was können Maschinen schon alleine?
Deutscher Architektentag, Berlin, September 2019.

Wie tickt unsere Stadt? Mehrwerte & intelligente Nutzung von Daten für die Stadtentwicklung am Beispiel von Kaiserslautern
Smart City Solutions (part of Intergeo), Stuttgart, September 2019.

Digitale Technologien zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung von (urbanen) Regionen
Track "Urban Management", Innovations Forum Karlsruhe, July 2017.

Intelligenter durch den Wandel? Digitale Werkzeuge für eine "Smart City"
Tag der Generationen, Pirmasens, October 2015.

Urban Media and Participation Mining
vdav-Branchentreff, Berlin, June 2013.

Resource Annotation and Delivery for Mobile Augmented Reality Services.
UMIC Workshop on Future Mobile Applications, RWTH Aachen University, February 2010.

Enabling a Social and Semantic Web of Models.
CMCM (Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling) Seminar Series, University of Kaiserslautern, February 2010.

Metadata in architecture education - first evaluation results of the MACE system.
Interdisciplinary Paper Award for EC-TEL 2009, Talk given at the Alpine Rendez-Vous (organized by the European NoE STELLAR), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, December 2009.

ALOE - Combining User Generated Content and Traditional Metadata.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Seminar Series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, May 2008.

Podiumsdiskussion: Quo vadis Wissenschaft?
re:publica, Berlin, April 2008.

Die Metadatenrevolution: Vom Zettelkasten zum Repository 2.0.
re:publica, Berlin, April 2008.

[slides] [audio]
Sagt wer? Metadaten im Web.
re:publica, Berlin, April 2008.

[video] [fotos]
Schöne neue Metadatenwelt - Experten, Computer und User Generated Content.
CeBIT Future Talks, Hannover, March 2008.

[slides] [workshop fotos]
ALOE - Combining User Generated Content and Traditional Metadata.
Workshop "Metadata 2.0", Leuven, Belgium, February 2008.

User Generated Content.
LearnTec 2008, Karlsruhe, January 2008.

ALOE - an Open and Social Resource and Metadata Hub.
KMi Podium, Milton Keynes, UK, November 2007.

ALOE - Sharing Learning Resources and Metadata.
Workshop of the Professional Learning Cluster PRO-LC, Graz, Austria, September 2007.


Organization of Conferences, Workshops, Tutorials

Workshop "Bilder, Pläne, Texte – (Generative) KI, Technik zum Anfassen" (with Martin Berchtold, Julia Mayer, Maren van der Meer, Leonard Weiß)
SRL-Jahrestagung "Digitale Welten, reale Städte: Auf dem Weg in eine bessere Planungskultur?"
Berlin, November 2024

Conference "Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Smart City (IPSC 2024)"
(with Mathias Berg, Max Henzel, Katharina Mayer, Jonas Pauly, Antje Börner)
Kaiserslautern, June 2024

Workshop "Datenplattformen interkommunal - Ein Blick auf Anwendungsfälle und Anforderungen" (with Heinrich Lorei, Rainer Kadel)
Online-Konferenz "MPSC MASHUP der BMI Modellprojekte Smart City", May 2021.

Workshop "Herzlich digital - Agieren im Spannungsfeld Politik, Verwaltung, Gesellschaft" (with Rainer Kadel)
Online-Konferenz "MPSC MASHUP der BMI Modellprojekte Smart City", May 2021.

Smart City Hackathon
Two-day workshop exploring the added value and potential of spatial and open data. In the context of growing numbers of digital data, open data platforms and crowdsourced data, opportunities and challenges for the smart city should be explored.
Organized by the Vereinigung für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung (SRL) in cooperation with DFKI, TU Kaiserslautern, Hochschule Mannheim, Leitstelle Xplanung / XBau, and Stadtverwaltung Kaiserslautern,
08 May - 09 May 2018, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Special Track on Intelligent Assistance for Self-Directed and Organizational Learning (IWL-LOKMOL 2008)
Connecting Individual, Community and Organizational Learning.
International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW 2008),
03 September - 05 September 2008, Graz, Austria.

3rd International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2007).
Workshop affiliated to the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2007),
17 September - 20 September 2007, Crete, Greece.

2nd International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2006).
Workshop affiliated to First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2006),
1 October - 4 October 2006, Crete, Greece.

Tutorial "Setting Up Your Own Learning Object Environment",
affiliated to the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (E-Learn 2005),
24 October - 28 October 2005, Vancouver, Canada.

1st International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2005).
Workshop affiliated to 3rd Conference on Professional Knowledge Management (WM 2005),
10 April - 13 April 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany.


  • Award as founder of the year of TU Kaiserslautern with baukobox (2019)
  • Winner of the "1,2,3, GO" business competition with baukobox (2018)
  • Best Paper Award for "Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning - a Case Study in Alexandria" at REAL CORP 2013
  • Best Paper Award for "Metadata in architecture education - first evaluation results of the MACE system" at EC-TEL 2009
  • Winner of the Multimedia Competition 2004 "Media in Motion - Regions with a Future" with the project CityGuide Mobile