my profile at LinkedIn
past events
- Track Chair of 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2011) 12-14 September 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany. It's the Conference Track "Knowledge Management, Ontologies and Data Mining"
- Program Committee of the 6th German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM 2011) at the 6th Conference on "Professional Knowledge Management - From Knowledge to Action", Innsbruck, Austria, from 21 to 23 February 2011.
- Program Committee of the Fourth IEEE Workshop on Agile Cooperative Process-Aware Information Systems (ProGility 2009) at IEEE WETICE Groningen, the Netherlands, June 29 - July 1, 2009
- Heiko Maus, Integrating Paper into the Semantic Desktop, Invited talk at 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT'08) Industrial Day, 3.12.2008
- Took part in the Ricoh & Java Developer Challenge (already the second time) with the students Volker Hudlet and Markus Weber from the University of Kaiserslautern winning the German finals and successfully taking part in the European finals in London
- Program Committee of Sixth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (Context-07) Roskilde University, Denmark, 20-24 August 2007
- Program Committee of Third IEEE Workshop on Agile Cooperative Process-Aware Information Systems (ProGility 2008) at IEEE WETICE'08
- Program Committee of Second IEEE Workshop on Agile Cooperative Process-Aware Information Systems (ProGility 2007) at IEEE WETICE'07
- Program Committee of Productive Knowledge Work: Management and Technological Challenges (ProKW 2007) at WM 2007
- Program Commitee of First IEEE Workshop on Flexibility in Process-aware Information Systems (ProFlex 2006)
- Program Commitee of 3rd International Workshop on Modeling and Retrieval of Context MRC 2006 at AAAI 2006 in Boston.
- Program Commitee of Workshop
on Similarities - Processes - Workflows at the Sixth International
Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 05)
- Program Committee of 2nd International Workshop on Modeling and Retrieval of Context MRC 2005 (proceedings)
at IJCAI 2005
- 3rd Conference on Professional Knowledge Management WM 2005 in Kaiserslautern
Program Committee of Modeling
and Retrieval of Context (MRC2004) KI2004 Workshop - University of
Ulm - September 2004 (CfP)
Co-organizer of the workshop
"Geschäftsprozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement - Von der
Strategie zum
Content" at the WM'2001
in Baden-Baden .Proceedings can be found at
Co-organizer of the workshop "Wissensmanagement
im Kontext der Modellierung und Ausführung wissensintensiver und
schwach strukturierter Geschäftsprozesse"
at the 2. Konferenz
Professionelles Wissensmanagement Erfahrungen und Visionen, Luzern
2. - 4. April 2003
Tutorial "Business Process Oriented Knowledge Management and Weak
Workflows for Supporting Knowledge Work"
Ansgar Bernardi, Heiko Maus; invited tutorial at RICOH
Software Development & Research Department, Tokyo, Japan,
24-25th. March 2003
Co-tutor at the tutorial "Geschäftsprozessorientiertes
Wissensmanagement", Luzern - 2. - 4. April 2003
see here for some pictures
Mit-Herausgeber (co-editor) von:
Abecker, A., DFKI,
Hinkelmann, K., FH Solothurn Nordwestschweiz, Olten,
Maus, H., DFKI, Kaiserslautern
Müller, H.J., Berufsakademie Mannheim
Effektive Wissensnutzung bei der Planung und Umsetzung von
VII, 472 S. 70 Abb. Geb. ISBN 3-540-42970-0
Springer Verlag, 2002
PhD / Dissertation
I submitted the dissertation in November '06 (at TU Kaiserslautern). The title is "Workflow-Kontext zur Realisierung prozessorientierter Assistenz in Organisational Memories" (Workflow context for realizing process-oriented assistance in Organisational Memories).
I think the disputation will be around May/June 2007.
Well, after along time, I have finished my PhD (bzw. Dr. rer. nat.) on July 6th 2007 with my disputation !
It will be published at the publisher I've got already the ISBN (978-3-86624-267-8).
Finally, the book is available
here and at Amazon
The topic of my PhD is in the topic of using context from
workflow management systems for process-oriented assistance within
organizational memories.
I've been working on this topic since my start at the DFKI (in the
FRODO, and even in Polivest)
More information about this topic can be found in the above mentioned
book (in german) and more compact in the Context'01
and of course in my last
publications ...
If you have questions, suggestions or just want to start a discussion
on the topic, feel free to contact me.