author = {Andreas Abecker and Ansgar Bernardi and Heiko Maus and Claudia Wenzel},
title = {Information support for knowledge-intensive business processes -- combining workflows with document analysis and information retrieval},
year = {2000},
pages = {53--60},
crossref = {AAAI-Spring00},
file = {AbeckerBernardiMausWenzel00.pdf:maus/AbeckerBernardiMausWenzel00.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {dok/AAAISS2000.pdf},
author = {Elst, Ludger van and Abecker, Andreas and Maus, Heiko},
title = {Exploiting {U}ser and {P}rocess {C}ontext for {K}nowledge {M}anagement {S}ystems},
year = {2001},
crossref = {WSUMCAA01},
file = {ElstAbeckerMaus01.pdf:maus/ElstAbeckerMaus01.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/vanElstAbeckerMaus01.pdf},
author = {Gronau, Norbert and Maus, Heiko and F\"unffinger, Martin},
title = {Workshop {M}odellierung wissensintensiver und schwach strutkurierter {G}esch\"aftsprozesse},
year = {2003},
crossref = {WM03},
file = {final:wm2001/wm2003/final/:PDF},
keywords = {I2017, H4, I204, I2064, A0020},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings28/article746.html},
author = {Harald Holz and Heiko Maus and Ansgar Bernardi and Oleg Rostanin},
title = {A {L}ightweight {A}pproach for {P}roactive, {T}ask-{S}pecific {I}nformation {D}elivery},
year = {2005},
crossref = {BPOKI05},
file = {HolzMausBernardi+05.pdf:maus/HolzMausBernardi+05.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/HolzMausBernardiRostanin05a.pdf},
author = {Harald Holz and Heiko Maus and Naoyuki Nomura and Martin Schaaf},
title = {2nd {W}orkshop on {K}nowledge {M}anagement for {D}istributed {A}gile {P}rocesses: {M}odels, {T}echniques, and {I}nfrastructure ({KMDAP} 2005)},
year = {2005},
pages = {365--426},
crossref = {WM2005PostProceedings},
doi = {10.1007/11590019_46},
file = {KMDAP05_Preface.pdf:wm2001/wm2005/kmdap/KMDAP05_Preface.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11590019_46},
author = {Heiko Maus},
booktitle = {Modeling and Using Context : Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 01, Dundee, UK, July 27-30, 2001. Proceedings},
title = {Workflow {C}ontext as a {M}eans for {I}ntelligent {I}nformation {S}upport},
year = {2001},
editor = {Akman, Varol and Bouquet, Paolo and Thomason, Richmond and Young, Roger A.},
note = {Springer LINK online version},
pages = {261--264},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNAI},
volume = {2116},
crossref = {CONTEXT01},
file = {Maus01.pdf:maus/Maus01.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
projects = {FRODO},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/Maus01.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus},
title = {Integration of a {DAU}-{S}ystem in {W}orkflow {M}anagement {S}ystems},
year = {1998},
crossref = {GIGA98},
file = {Maus98.pdf:maus/Maus98.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Document Analysis, Text Classification, Indexing, Information Extraction Workflow Management},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/GIGAPaper.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus},
title = {Towards a {F}unctional {I}ntegration of {D}ocument {A}nalysis in {W}orkflow {M}anagement {S}ystems},
year = {1999},
crossref = {BeckerMuehlenRosemann99},
file = {Maus99.pdf:maus/Maus99.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H4, I2017, I2064, I4},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/maus_wfm99.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus and Harald Holz and Ansgar Bernardi and Oleg Rostanin},
title = {Leveraging {P}assive {P}aper {P}iles to {A}ctive {O}bjects in {P}ersonal {K}nowledge {S}paces},
year = {2005},
pages = {50--59},
crossref = {WM2005PostProceedings},
doi = {10.1007/11590019_5},
file = {MausHolzBernardi+05b.pdf:maus/MausHolzBernardi+05b.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/MausHolzBernardi+05.pdf},
author = {Uwe Riss and Alan Rickayzen and Heiko Maus},
title = {Challenges for {B}usiness {P}rocess and {T}ask {M}anagement},
year = {2005},
pages = {413--420},
crossref = {BPOKI05},
file = {RissRickayzenMaus05.pdf:maus/RissRickayzenMaus05.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://www.jucs.org/jukm_0_2/riss/jukm_0_2_77_100_riss.pdf},
author = {Schwarz, Sven and Maus, Heiko and Kiesel, Malte and Sauermann, Leo},
chapter = {12},
editor = {Dengel, Andreas},
pages = {315--368},
publisher = {Spektrum},
title = {Wissensarbeit am Desktop},
year = {2012},
address = {Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-8274-2663-5},
crossref = {Dengel+12},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2012.01.05},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-8274-2664-2_12},
author = {Maria Klara Wolters and Elaine Niven and Mari Runardotter and Francesco Gallo and Heiko Maus and Robert H. Logie},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd Annual {ACM} Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, {CHI} 2015 Extended Abstracts, Republic of Korea, April 18 - 23, 2015},
title = {Personal Photo Preservation for the Smartphone Generation},
year = {2015},
pages = {1549--1554},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org},
biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/chi/WoltersNRGML15},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/chi/2015a},
doi = {10.1145/2702613.2732793},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:47:21 +0200},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/WoltersNivenRunardotter+2015.pdf},
author = {Andreas Abecker and Knut Hinkelmann and Heiko Maus and M\"uller, Heinz-J\"urgen},
title = {Integrationspotenziale f\"ur {G}esch\"aftsprozesse und {W}issensmanagement},
year = {2002},
chapter = {1},
pages = {1--22},
file = {AbeckerHinkelmannMaus+02b.pdf:maus/AbeckerHinkelmannMaus+02b.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-55921-1_1},
author = {Andreas Abecker and Ansgar Bernardi and Elst, Ludger van and Andreas Lauer and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Michael Sintek},
institution = {DFKI},
title = {F{RODO}: {A} {F}ramework for {D}istributed {O}rganizational {M}emories. {M}ilestone 1: {R}equirements {A}nalysis and {S}ystem {A}rchitecture},
year = {2001},
number = {D-01-01},
type = {DFKI Document},
file = {D-01-01.pdf:maus/D-01-01.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/dfkidok/publications/D/01/01/abstract.html},
author = {Andreas Abecker and Ansgar Bernardi and Heiko Maus and Michael Sintek and Claudia Wenzel},
journal = {Elsevier Knowledge-{B}ased {S}ystems, {S}pecial {I}ssue on {AI} in {K}nowledge {M}anagement},
title = {Information {S}upply for {B}usiness {P}rocesses -- {C}oupling {W}orkflow with {D}ocument {A}nalysis and {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
year = {2000},
number = {5},
pages = {271--284},
volume = {13},
file = {AbeckerBernardiMaus+00.pdf:maus/AbeckerBernardiMaus+00.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {dok/AbeckerBernardiMaus+00.pdf},
author = {Benjamin Adrian and Martin Klinkigt and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Using iDocument for Document Categorization in Nepomuk Social Semantic Desktop},
booktitle = {i-semantics: Proceedings of International Conference on Semantic Systems 2009},
year = {2009},
editor = {Tassilo Pellegrini},
series = {JUCS},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2009.07.03},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/AdrianKlinkigtMaus+09.pdf},
author = {Benjamin Adrian and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {DocuTag - Semantische Dienste f\"ur das Tagging von Dokumenten in Unternehmen: Kompetenzzentrum f\"ur das B\"uro der Zukunft},
booktitle = {Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz f\"ur Innovation Jahresbericht 2007},
publisher = {Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz f\"ur Innovation},
year = {2008},
editor = {Brigitte Klempt and Jutta Ohl and Claudia Janssen-Neumann and Uwe Mayer and Gerda Fischer},
pages = {39-41},
abstract = {Semantische Dienste f\"ur das Tagging von Dokumenten in Unternehmen: Kompetenzzentrum f\"ur das B\"uro der Zukunft},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2009.01.21},
url = {http://sites.mbwjk.rlp.de/stiftung-innovation/dokumente/jahresberichte/jb_07.pdf},
author = {Benjamin Adrian and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {iDocument: Using Ontologies for Extracting Information from Text},
booktitle = {WM 2009: 5th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management},
year = {2009},
editor = {Barbara Th\"onssen},
series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics, LNI},
month = {3},
abstract = {This work outlines system and usage principles of the ontology-based information extraction system iDocument. Ontology-based information extraction reuses existing domain knowledge for extracting and annotating relevant information from domain-related text. iDocument provides an architecture, an API, and a user interface for supporting users and developers in ontology based knowledge annotation and acquisition tasks. The main contribution of this work is a generic and standardized information extraction template interface for retrieving relevant information from text by using existing domain ontologies.},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2009.07.03},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/AdrianMausDengel09.pdf},
author = {Benjamin Adrian and Heiko Maus and Malte Kiesel and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Towards Ontology-based Information Extraction and Annotation of Paper Documents for Personalized Knowledge Acquisition},
booktitle = {1st Workshop on Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Proceedings of WM 2009, Solothurn, Switzerland},
year = {2009},
series = {LNI},
organization = {GI},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2009.01.21},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/AdrianMausKiesel+09.pdf},
author = {Jan-Thies B\"ahr and Peter Dannenmann and Ludger van Elst and Armin Hust and Andreas Lauer and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz},
title = {E{POS} -- {M}ilestone 1},
institution = {DFKI},
year = {2003},
type = {Document},
number = {D-04-01},
file = {EPOS_M1.pdf:maus/EPOS_M1.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
author = {Jan-Thies B\"ahr and {Ludger van} Elst and Andreas Lauer and Heiko Maus and Leo Sauermann and Sven Schwarz},
title = {{EPOS} -- {G}uiding {E}xample},
institution = {DFKI},
year = {2004},
type = {internal report},
file = {EPOS_GuidingExample.pdf:project/epos/EPOS_GuidingExample.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
author = {Baumann, Stefan and Lichter, J\"urgen and Malburg, Michael and Maus, Heiko and Meyer auf'm Hofe, Harald and Wenzel, Claudia},
title = {Architektur f\"ur ein {S}ystem zur {D}okumentanalyse im {U}nternehmenskontext -- {I}ntegration von {D}atenbest\"anden, {A}ufbau- und {A}blauforganisation},
institution = {DFKI GmbH},
year = {1998},
type = {DFKI Document},
number = {D-98-01},
file = {BaumannLichter+98.pdf:project/VirtualOffice/BaumannLichter+98.pdf:PDF},
language = {german},
location = {Kaiserslautern},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/dfkidok/publications/D/98/01/abstract.html},
author = {Ansgar Bernardi and Andreas Dengel and Ludger van Elst and Andreas Lauer and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz},
journal = {K{I} -- {K}\"unstliche {I}ntelligenz},
title = {F{RODO}: {E}in {A}gentenframework f\"ur verteile {U}nternehmensged\"achtnisse},
year = {2004},
number = {3},
pages = {59--61},
file = {BernardiDengelElst+04.pdf:maus/BernardiDengelElst+04.pdf:PDF},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/BernardiDengelElst+04.pdf},
author = {Bernardi, Ansgar and Holz, Harald and Maus, Heiko and Ludger van Elst},
editor = {Andreas Blumauer and Tassilo Pellegrini},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
title = {Komplexe {A}rbeitswelten in der {W}issensgesellschaft},
year = {2006},
series = {Springer Sachbuchreihe},
booktitle = {Semantic {W}eb -- {A}uf dem {W}eg zur vernetzten {W}issensgesellschaft},
doi = {10.1007/3-540-29325-6_3},
file = {BernardiHolzMausElst06.pdf:maus/BernardiHolzMausElst06.pdf:PDF},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2006.01.27},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-29325-6_3},
author = {Stefan Dellmuth and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {Third International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR 09). Proceedings},
title = {Supporting Knowledge Work by Observing Paper-Based Activities on the Physical Desktop},
year = {2009},
file = {DellmuthMausDengel09.pdf:uni\\Stefan Dellmuth\\DellmuthMausDengel09.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2009.07.03},
url = {https://www.dfki.de/fileadmin/user_upload/import/4205_DellmuthMausDengel09.pdf},
author = {Andreas Dengel and Andreas Abecker and Jan-Thies B\"ahr and Ansgar Bernardi and Peter Dannenmann and Ludger van Elst and Stefan Klink and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Michael Sintek},
title = {E{POS} -- {E}volving {P}ersonal to {O}rganizational {K}nowledge {S}paces},
institution = {DFKI GmbH Kaiserslautern},
year = {2002},
type = {Project Proposal},
file = {epos-proposal.pdf:project/EPOS/proposal/epos-proposal.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
author = {Andreas Dengel and Andreas Abecker and Ansgar Bernardi and Elst, Ludger van and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Michael Sintek},
journal = {KI - K\"unstliche Intelligenz},
title = {Konzepte zur {G}estaltung von {U}nternehmensged\"achtnissen},
year = {2002},
month = {january},
number = {1},
pages = {5--11},
file = {DengelAbecker+02.pdf:maus/DengelAbecker+02.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
publisher = {arendtap Verlag Bremen},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Eelst/papers/KI-Heft_OM-Prinzipien-draft.pdf},
author = {Andreas Dengel and Andreas Lauer and J\"urgen Lichter and Michael Malburg and Heiko Maus and Tino Sarodnik and Claudia Wenzel},
title = {Abschlu\"sbericht {V}irtual{O}ffice},
institution = {DFKI GmbH},
year = {2000},
note = {BMBF FKZ ITW 9702/0; download is an inofficial PowerPoint presentation of the VirtualOffice prototype system (VOPR) including avi-files of a system demo (26 MB) in English},
file = {AbschlussberichtVO.pdf:project/VirtualOffice/AbschlussberichtVO.pdf:PDF},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/VirtualOffice.zip},
author = {Andreas Dengel and Heiko Maus and Andreas Abecker},
booktitle = {Networlds: {L}eben und {A}rbeiten in vernetzten {W}elten - {VDE} {K}ongress 2002, {D}resden},
title = {Dynamik betrieblicher {I}nformationsprozesse: {A}daptive {U}nternehmensged\"achtnisse},
year = {2002},
organization = {VDE},
pages = {189--194},
publisher = {VDE Verlag},
file = {DengelMausAbecker02.pdf:maus/DengelMausAbecker02.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, K 4 03, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/DengelMausAbecker02.pdf},
author = {Eldesouky, Bahaa and Bakry, Menna and Maus, Heiko and Dengel, Andreas},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. 13th, August 23-26, Nancy, France},
title = {{Supporting Early Contextualization of Textual Content in Digital Documents on the Web}},
year = {2015},
doi = {10.1109/ICDAR.2015.7333926},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2015.12.09},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDAR.2015.7333926},
author = {Eldesouky, Bahaa and Maus, Heiko and Schwarz, Sven and Dengel, Andreas},
title = {Seed, a Natural Language Interface to Knowledge Bases},
booktitle = {Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Knowledge Design},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
year = {2015},
editor = {Yamamoto, Sakae},
volume = {9172},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
pages = {280-290},
isbn = {978-3-319-20611-0},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-20612-7_27},
keywords = {Usability; Semantic Web; Natural language; Knowledge bases},
language = {English},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2015.12.09},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20612-7_27},
author = {Ludger van Elst and Bertin Klein and Heiko Maus and Harald Sch\"oning and Alessandro Tommasi and Cesare Zavattari and John Favaro and Vito Giannella},
title = {Business Register Interoperability Throughout Europe: The BRITE Project},
booktitle = {Proceedings from the AAAI Spring Symposium Semantic Web Meets eGovernment},
year = {2006},
editor = {Andreas Abecker and Amit Sheth and Grigoris Mentzas and Ljiljana Stojanovic},
number = {Technical Report SS-06-06},
pages = {70-79},
organization = {AAAI},
publisher = {AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA.},
file = {BRITE_SWEG_2006.pdf:http\://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Eelst/papers/BRITE_SWEG_2006.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
projects = {BRITE},
timestamp = {2006.11.07},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Eelst/papers/BRITE_SWEG_2006.pdf},
author = {Elst, Ludger van and Abecker, Andreas and Bernardi, Ansgar and Lauer, Andreas and Maus, Heiko and Schwarz, Sven},
booktitle = {Coordination and {A}gent {T}echnology in {V}alue {N}etworks, {M}ultikonferenz {W}irtschaftsinformatik ({MKWI} 2004), 9.-11.3.2004, {E}ssen},
title = {An {A}gent-based {F}ramework for {D}istributed {O}rganizational {M}emories},
year = {2004},
editor = {M. Bichler and C. Holtmann and S. Kirn and J. P. M\"uller and C. Weinhardt},
pages = {181--196},
publisher = {GITO-Verlag, Berlin},
file = {ElstAbeckerBernardi+04.pdf:maus/ElstAbeckerBernardi+04.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064, I4},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Eelst/papers/frodo_mkwi2004.pdf},
author = {Elst, Ludger van and Aschoff, Felix-Robinson and Bernardi, Ansgar and Maus, Heiko and Schwarz, Sven},
booktitle = {12th {IEEE} {I}nternational {W}orkshops on {E}nabling {T}echnologies ({WETICE} 2003), {W}orkshop on {K}nowledge {M}anagement for {D}istributed {A}gile {P}rocesses: {M}odels, {T}echniques, and {I}nfrastructure ({KMDAP} 2003)},
title = {Weakly-structured workflows for knowledge-intensive tasks: {A}n experimental evaluation},
year = {2003},
address = {Linz, Austria},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Press},
file = {ElstAschoffBernardi+03.pdf:maus/ElstAschoffBernardi+03.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Eelst/papers/kmdap_frodo_eval_submitted.pdf},
author = {Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes and Benjamin Adrian and Sven Schwarz and Heiko Maus and Kinga Schumacher and Leo Sauermann},
title = {Semantic Desktop for the End-User},
journal = {i-com},
year = {2009},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {25-32},
month = {12},
issn = {1618-162X},
abstract = {This article describes the Semantic Desktop. We give insights into the core services that aim to improve personal knowledge management on the desktop. We describe these core components of our Semantic Desktop system and give evaluation results. Results of a long-term study reveal effects of using the Semantic Desktop on personal knowledge work. Der Semantic Desktop ist ein Ansatz um pers\"onliches Wissensmanagement zu unterst\"utzen. In diesem Artikel werden der Semantic Desktop und seine Dienste vorgestellt. Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie zeigen, dass einfache semantische Relationen bereits gro\"sen Nutzen f\"ur das pers\"onliche Wissensmanagement bringen},
doi = {10.1524/icom.2009.0033},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
publisher = {Oldenbourg Verlag},
timestamp = {2009.12.11},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/icom.2009.0033},
author = {Jan Haas and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}nterprise {I}nformation {S}ystems ({ICEIS}), 8 - 12 {J}une, 2010 , {F}unchal, {M}adeira - {P}ortugal},
title = {{C}on{T}ask - {U}sing {C}ontext-{S}ensitive {A}ssistance to {I}mprove {T}ask-{O}riented {K}nowledge {W}ork},
year = {2010},
editor = {Joaquim Filipe and José Cordeiro},
note = {ISBN: 978-989-8425-05-8},
organization = {INSTICC},
pages = {31-39},
publisher = {SciTePress},
volume = {Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems},
file = {:work\\papers\\HaasMausSchwarz+10\\HaasMausSchwarz+10.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2010.04.13},
url = {https://www.scitepress.org/papers/2010/28954/28954.pdf},
author = {Holz, Harald and Maus, Heiko and Bernardi, Ansgar and Rostanin, Oleg},
journal = {Journal of {U}niversal {K}nowledge {M}anagement. {S}pecial {I}ssue on {K}nowledge {I}nfrastructures for the {S}upport of {K}nowledge {I}ntensive {B}usiness {P}rocesses},
title = {From {L}ightweight, {P}roactive {I}nformation {D}elivery to {B}usiness {P}rocess-{O}riented {K}nowledge {M}anagement},
year = {2005},
number = {2},
pages = {101--127},
volume = {0},
file = {:maus\\HolzMausBernardiRostanin05b.pdf:PDF;HolzMausBernardRostanin05b.pdf:thesis\\papers\\IKNOW05\\2005_JUKM_HolzMausBernardiRostanin05b\\HolzMausBernardRostanin05b.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2005.12.07},
url = {https://www.jucs.org/jukm_0_2/holz/jukm_0_2_101_127_holz.pdf},
author = {Christian Jilek and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Diary Generation from Personal Information Models to Support Contextual Remembering and Reminiscence},
booktitle = {Workshop on Human Memory-Inspired Multimedia Organization and Preservation (HMMP). IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME-2015), June 29 - July 3, Torino, Italy},
year = {2015},
pages = {1-6},
month = {7},
publisher = {IEEE},
abstract = {Human remembering is a process vulnerable to producing errors in addition to unintentional forgetting which is often undesired. To support contextualised remembering and reminiscence we propose an application that is able to write diaries on demand. Without any considerable effort these diaries can be generated for every period of a person’s life that is reflected in their personal information model. This model is a cornerstone of the Semantic Desktop approach which serves as the ecosystem that helps us realise our vision. In this paper, we describe our concept in more detail and also provide an overview of related diary and timeline applications. Additionally, we present a proof of concept implementation as well as results of an early user experience evaluation. Finally, we give an outlook on remaining challenges to be tackled as well as possible future work.},
keywords = {diary generation, personal information management, semantic desktop, data condensation and summarization, contextual remembering and reminiscence},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2015.10.20},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICMEW.2015.7169753},
author = {Martin Klinkigt and Koichi Kise and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Semantic Retrieval of Images by Learning from Wikipedia},
booktitle = {Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems},
year = {2011},
editor = {Andreas K\"{o}nig and Andreas Dengel and Knut Hinkelmann and Koichi Kise and Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain},
volume = {6884},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
pages = {212--221},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-23866-6_23},
isbn = {978-3-642-23865-9},
location = {Heidelberg},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2011.09.08},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23866-6_23},
author = {Martin Klinkigt and Koichi Kise and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
institution = {IEICE},
title = {Object Detection in Images With Cluttered Background by Using Local Features and Their Configuration},
year = {2009},
number = {182},
abstract = {In computer vision object detection is dealing with the problem to find certain objects in an image. Under controlled conditions the results of current systems are reliable. The absence of background clutter is such a condition. Problems arise if these conditions do not hold. In this paper we propose a method for overcoming the problem of background clutter by using a sensitive voting for objects and taking into account the position of local features. In an evaluation our proposed method clearly outperforms a naive object voting, by returning for 64% of
the images the correct object compared to 4%.},
file = {KlinkigtKiseMaus+09.pdf:uni\\Martin Klinkigt\\KlinkigtKiseMaus+09.pdf:PDF;KlinkigtKiseMaus+09.pdf:maus\\KlinkigtKiseMaus+09.pdf:PDF},
organization = {Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
pages = {75--80},
series = {Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding (PRMU)},
timestamp = {2009.07.27},
url = {https://www.ieice.org/publications/ken/summary.php?contribution_id=KJ00005758057&lang=en},
volume = {109},
author = {Martin Klinkigt and Heiko Maus and Koichi Kise and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {International Conference on Multimedia, Information Technology and its Applications (MITA 09), August 19 - 21, 2009, Osaka, Japan},
title = {Automatic Management of Large Images Databases},
year = {2009},
organization = {Korea Multimedia Society},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2009.07.03},
url = {https://imlab.jp/publication_data/1103/MITA_Klinkigt.pdf},
author = {Shingo Kubo and Hiroshi Tsuji and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2008)},
title = {Visualizing Personal Trend on Gnowsis Semantic Desktop},
year = {2008},
pages = {2765-2771},
publisher = {IEEE},
abstract = {To let a user know the user's personal trend on the
user's computer, this paper proposes a method to explore and
visualize one's personal trend on the premise that the gnowsis
Semantic Desktop is used. The proposed method classifies
information items into four attention areas with a popularity
change measure by using three indicators (Direct Attention Score
(DAS), Indirect Attention Score (IAS) (using spreading
activation) and Popularity Change (PC)). Comparing the
proposed method with two existing tools (PIMO Timeline and
PIMO Cloud) in the gnowsis, this paper describes the following
advantages about the proposed method: 1) To deal with both
touched concepts and neighbor concepts, 2) To consider
frequency, 3) To consider trend, 4) To catch seven operations in
the gnowsis. Moreover, from an experimental usage, which shows
more than three subjects answered the proposed method
provided good results in every question, this paper suggests the
proposed method would be useful to show one's personal trend.},
doi = {10.1109/ICSMC.2008.4811715},
file = {KuboTsujiMaus+08.pdf:project\\ADIB\\kubo\\KuboTsujiMaus+08.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2008.08.27},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSMC.2008.4811715},
author = {Constanza Lampasona and Oleg Rostanin and Heiko Maus},
title = {Seamless Integration of Order Processing in MS Outlook using SmartOffice: an Empirical Evaluation},
booktitle = {ESEM '12 Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement},
year = {2012},
pages = {165-168},
publisher = {ACM Press},
doi = {10.1145/2372251.2372281},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2012.07.11},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2372251.2372281},
title = {Workshop {G}esch\"aftsprozessorientiertes {W}issensmanagement auf der {{WM} 2001}, {B}aden-{B}aden},
year = {2001},
editor = {Heinz-J\"urgen M\"uller and Andreas Abecker and Knut Hinkelmann and Heiko Maus},
note = {Print-Version als DFKI Document D-01-02},
series = {DFKI Document D-01-02},
author = {{Heinz-J\"urgen} M\"uller and Andreas Abecker and Knut Hinkelmann and Heiko Maus},
booktitle = {Workshop {G}esch\"aftsprozessorientiertes {W}issensmanagement auf der {{WM} 2001}, {B}aden-{B}aden},
file = {D-01-01.pdf:maus/D-01-01.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {I2017, H4, I204, I2064, A0020, H404},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-37},
author = {Martin, Gunnar and Seel, Christian and Maus, Heiko},
booktitle = {Von e-{L}earning bis e-{P}ayment 2003 - {D}as {I}nternet als sicherer {M}arktplatz {L}eipzig. {T}agungsband {LIT} 03},
title = {Wissensorientiertes e{G}overnment},
year = {2003},
address = {Berlin},
editor = {Jantke, K. P. and Wittig, W. S. and Herrmann, J.},
pages = {153--161},
publisher = {infix},
file = {MartinSeelMaus03.pdf:maus/MartinSeelMaus03.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {J104, H4, K 4 03, I2017, I204},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/MartinSeelMaus03.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus},
school = {Universit\"at des Saarlandes, Saarbr\"ucken, Fachbereich Informatik},
title = {Spezifikation und {I}mplementierung eines {I}nteroperabilit\"atskonzeptes zur {K}opplung von {W}orkflow {M}anagement {S}ystemen in einem heterogenen {V}erbund},
year = {1997},
month = {November},
note = {Diplomarbeit/Thesis. Universit{\"}at des Saarlandes, Saarbr{\"u}cken, Fachbereich Informatik},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/DiplAuszug.html},
author = {Heiko Maus},
school = {Technische Universit\"at Kaiserslautern},
title = {Workflow-Kontext zur Realisierung prozessorientierter Assistenz in Organisational Memories},
year = {2007},
note = {Ph.D. Thesis/Dissertation, ISBN 978-3-86624-267-8, bei Amazon.de},
type = {Dissertation},
file = {Maus07.pdf:maus\\Maus07.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
project = {VirtualOffice, FRODO, EPOS, ADIB},
publisher = {dissertation.de - Verlag im Internet GmbH},
timestamp = {2007.07.23},
url = {https://www.amazon.de/Workflow-Kontext-Realisierung-prozessorientierter-Organisational-Dissertation/dp/3866242670},
author = {Heiko Maus},
title = {DFKI Kompetenzzentrum Virtuelles B{\"u}ro der Zukunft: Von der Forschung in die Praxis.},
journal = {infoline - bfd buchholz-fachinformationsdienste gmbh},
year = {2016},
volume = {19},
number = {2},
pages = {6-10},
month = {Juli},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/Infoline_2016-02_DFKI_CC_VOF_Maus.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus and Dengel, Andreas},
title = {Semantic Annotation of Paper-Based Information},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR2007)},
year = {2007},
editor = {Koichi Kise and David S. Doermann},
file = {MausDengel07.pdf:maus/MausDengel07.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
project = {ADIB},
timestamp = {2007.09.25},
url = {http://www.m.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp/cbdar2007/proceedings/papers/D3.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel and Ludger van Elst and Andreas Lauer and Jan-Thies Heinrich and Leo Sauermann and Sven Schwarz},
title = {EPOS -- Evolving Personal to Organizational Knowledge Spaces.},
institution = {DFKI GmbH},
year = {2006},
type = {Abschlussbericht},
note = {BMBF Abschlussbericht FKZ 01 IW C01},
language = {german},
projects = {EPOS},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/epos/},
author = {Heiko Maus and Olivier Dobberkau and Maria Wolters and Claudia Niederee},
institution = {ForgetIT consortium},
title = {D9.1: Application Use Cases \& Requirements Document},
year = {2013},
number = {D9.1},
type = {Deliverable},
abstract = {In this document, we summarise the results of initial work on design requirements for the ForgetIT Personal Preservation solution (WP9) and the Organisational Preservation solution (WP10). These requirements will guide the development of ForgetIT and finally show the benefits of the services in these scenarios.
The Personal Preservation scenario is based on a Personal Information Model (PIMO) which is represented through a flexible ontology that evolves with the user's needs. The core application of the PIMO will be personal information management in personal life situations such as managing personal photos, which will allow to provide the ForgetIT services as an integral part and thus reduce the effort for preservation. The requirements were informed by a top-down analysis and an online survey that was distributed to team members, friends, and colleagues in Sweden, Germany, the UK, and Italy.
The Organisational Preservation scenario focuses on managing and preserving the content (web pages) and assets (such as media files) of company web sites in a way that creates immediate benefit and fosters the use of preservation solutions. The Content Management System (CMS) we chose for our implementation is TYPO3, an open source system that is widely used in Germany. We have designed a framework for further work based on a Web Content Management Lifecycle model. Based on experiences with potential users, it was decided to, initially focus on two use cases, namely Synergetic Preservation for TYPO3 and preservation-aware digital asset management.
Instead of a detailed list of requirements, we have opted for an action research model, where relevant changes are co-designed with the two companies who have agreed to trial ForgetIT solutions and evaluated in situ.},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2013.12.01},
url = {http://www.forgetit-project.eu/fileadmin/fm-dam/deliverables/ForgetIT_WP9_WP10_D9.1.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz},
institution = {ForgetIT consortium},
title = {D9.2: Use Cases \& Mock-up Development},
year = {2014},
month = {M12},
number = {D9.2},
type = {Deliverable},
abstract = {This deliverable describes selected use cases derived from the Personal Preservation scenarios presented in ForgetIT deliverable D9.1 and presents mock-ups and prototypes addressing these use cases in ForgetIT.
The use cases derived from the Personal Preservation scenarios are listed and described in detail together with a prioritization to be addressed in ForgetIT. The mock-ups and prototypes are presented in detail in an accompanying presentation (see file named \texttt{ForgetIT\_WP9\_D9\_2\_Annex\_Mockups.pdf}). The second part of this document provides an overview and description on these slides for the reader.},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2013.12.01},
url = {http://www.forgetit-project.eu/fileadmin/fm-dam/deliverables/ForgetIT_WP9_D9.2.pdf},
pages = {71-82},
title = {Weaving Personal Knowledge Spaces into Office Applications},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2013},
author = {Maus, Heiko and Schwarz, Sven and Dengel, Andreas},
editor = {Fathi, Madjid},
isbn = {978-3-642-34470-1},
booktitle = {Integration of Practice-Oriented Knowledge Technology: Trends and Prospectives},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-34471-8_6},
keywords = {Semantic Desktop; Personal Information Management; PIMO; Knowledge Management},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2013.03.08},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34471-8_6},
author = {Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Bahaa Eldesouky and Christian Jilek and Maria Wolters and Berker Logoglu},
institution = {ForgetIT consortium},
title = {D9.3: Personal Preservation Pilot I: Concise preserving personal desktop},
year = {2015},
note = {Online at https://pimo.opendfki.de/wp9-pilot/},
number = {D9.3},
type = {Deliverable},
url = {https://www.forgetit-project.eu/fileadmin/fm-dam/deliverables/ForgetIT_WP9_D9.3.pdf},
author = {Maus, Heiko and Schwarz, Sven and Haas, Jan and Dengel, Andreas},
title = {{CONTASK}: {C}ontext-{S}ensitive {T}ask {A}ssistance in the {S}emantic {D}esktop},
booktitle = {{E}nterprise {I}nformation {S}ystems. 12th {I}nternational {C}onference, {ICEIS} 2010, {F}unchal-{M}adeira, {P}ortugal, {J}une 8-12, 2010, {R}evised {S}elected {P}apers},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2011},
editor = {Filipe, Joaquim and Cordeiro, José},
volume = {73},
series = {Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing},
pages = {177-192},
month = {March},
isbn = {978-3-642-19802-1},
affiliation = {German Research Center for AI (DFKI GmbH), Kaiserslautern, Germany},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-19802-1_13},
file = {:maus\\MausSchwarzHaas+11.pdf:PDF},
keyword = {Economics/Management Science},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/MausSchwarzHaas+11.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Christian Jilek and Francesco Gallo},
title = {D9.4: Personal Preservation Pilot II: Concise preserving mobile assistant},
institution = {ForgetIT consortium},
year = {2015},
type = {Deliverable},
number = {D9.4},
note = {Online at https://pimo.opendfki.de/wp9-pilot/},
url = {https://pimo.opendfki.de/wp9-pilot/forgetit/ForgetIT_Deliverable_D9.4.pdf},
author = {Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Christian Jilek and Maria Wolters and Stephen Rhodes and Andrea Ceroni and G\"{u}rkan G\"{u}r},
title = {{ForgetIT Deliverable D9.5: Personal Preservation Report}},
institution = {ForgetIT Consortium},
year = {2016},
type = {Deliverable},
number = {D9.5},
month = {January},
note = {Online at https://pimo.opendfki.de/wp9-pilot/},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2016.02.04},
url = {http://www.forgetit-project.eu/fileadmin/fm-dam/deliverables/ForgetIT_WP9_D9.5New.pdf},
author = {Uwe Riss and Alan Rickayzen and Heiko Maus and Wil van der Aalst},
journal = {Journal of {U}niversal {K}nowledge {M}anagement. {S}pecial {I}ssue on {K}nowledge {I}nfrastructures for the {S}upport of {K}nowledge {I}ntensive {B}usiness {P}rocesses},
title = {Challenges for {B}usiness {P}rocess and {T}ask {M}anagement},
year = {2005},
number = {2},
pages = {77--100},
volume = {0},
file = {RissRickayzenMausAalst05.pdf:maus/RissRickayzenMausAalst05.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2005.10.23},
url = {https://www.jucs.org/jukm_0_2/riss/jukm_0_2_77_100_riss.pdf},
author = {Oleg Rostanin and Heiko Maus and Takeshi Suzuki and Kaoru Maeda},
title = {Using lightweight knowledge modeling to improve proactive information delivery},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2010), January 22-24, Valencia, Spain},
year = {2010},
editor = {Joaquim Filipe and Ana Fred and Bernadette Sharp},
volume = {6276},
number = {1, Artificial Intelligence},
series = {LNCS},
pages = {611-614},
organization = {INSTICC, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication},
publisher = {INSTICC},
abstract = {The current work presents an integrated solution for task-centric proactive information delivery (PID) in agile knowledge working (AKW) environments. The approach exploits a lightweight incremental modeling of task relevant knowledge domains and process know-how using concept maps together with conceptbased task tagging to improve the quality of PID results. The feasibility of the described approach was proved during the joint research project TaskNavigator conducted by Ricoh Co. Ltd and DFKI GmbH.},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15387-7_67},
file = {:maus\\RostaninMausSuzuki+10.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-989-674-021-4},
keywords = {Proactive information delivery, Lightweight knowledge modeling, Concept-based task tagging},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2010.01.26},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15387-7_67},
author = {Oleg Rostanin and Heiko Maus and Takeshi Suzuki and Kaoru Maeda},
title = {Using Concept Maps to Improve Proactive Information Delivery in TaskNavigator},
booktitle = {Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information \& Engineering Systems (KES-10), September 8-10, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom},
year = {2010},
editor = {Rossitza Setchi and Ivan Jordanov and Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain},
volume = {6276},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS},
pages = {639-648},
month = {9},
publisher = {Springer, Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-642-15386-0},
keywords = {concept map, concept-based task tagging, agile task management, lightweight modeling, proactive information delivery},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2012.01.10},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/RostaninMausSuzuki+10b.pdf},
author = {Oleg Rostanin and Heiko Maus and Yingyan Zhang and Takeshi Suzuki and Kaoru Maeda},
institution = {Ricoh Co Ltd., Japan},
title = {Lightweight Conceptual Modeling and Concept-based Tagging for Proactive Information Delivery},
year = {2009},
month = {December},
number = {35},
type = {Ricoh Technology Report 2009},
file = {:project\\TaskNavigator\\RostaninMausZhang+09.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
pages = {24-33},
timestamp = {2010.01.13},
url = {https://jp.ricoh.com/-/Media/Ricoh/Sites/jp_ricoh/technology/techreport/35/pdf/A3503.pdf},
author = {Leo Sauermann and Andreas Dengel and Ludger van Elst and Andreas Lauer and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz},
title = {Personalization in the EPOS project},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Semantic Web Personalization Workshop at the ESWC 2006},
year = {2006},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Esauermann/papers/Sauermann+2006a.pdf},
author = {Leo Sauermann and Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes and Malte Kiesel and Christiaan Fluit and Heiko Maus and Dominik Heim and Danish Nadeem and Benjamin Horak and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Semantic Desktop 2.0: The Gnowsis Experience},
booktitle = {The Semantic Web - ISWC 2006},
year = {2006},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
pages = {887--900},
doi = {10.1007/11926078_64},
file = {11926078_64:http\://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11926078_64:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
projects = {EPOS, NEPOMUK},
timestamp = {2006.11.07},
url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/97322418h3201014},
author = {Schief, Markus and Kuhn, Christian and Zimmermann, Birgit and R\"osch, Philipp and Waterfeld, Walter and Schimmelpfennig, Jens and Mayer, Dirk and Maus, Heiko and Eichler, J\"orn},
title = {{T}he {AD}i{W}a {P}roject - on the {W}ay to {J}ust-in-{T}ime {P}rocess {D}ynamics based on {E}vents from the {I}nternet of {T}hings},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 13th {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}nterprise {I}nformation {S}ystems ({ICEIS} 2011), {B}eijing ({C}hina)},
year = {2011},
organization = {INSTICC},
publisher = {SciTePress},
file = {SchiefKuhnZimmermann+11.pdf:maus\\SchiefKuhnZimmermann+11.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2011.07.01},
author = {Schneider, Georg and Maus, Heiko and Dietel, Clemens and Scheller-Houy, Astrid and Schweitzer, Jean},
title = {Concepts for a flexibilisation of workflow management systems with respect to task adaptable solutions},
booktitle = {A{AAI} {W}orkshop: {AI} in business - {AI} in electronic {C}ommerce and {R}eengineering},
year = {1996},
editor = {O'Leary, Daniel E. and Watkins, Paul},
language = {english},
location = {Portland, USA},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/STZ/SchneiderMausDietel+98.pdf},
author = {Georg Schneider and Heiko Maus and Clemens Dietel and Astrid Scheller-Houy and Jean Schweitzer},
title = {First steps from workflow management systems towards enterpriseware},
booktitle = {Proc. Workshop Coordinating Work Processes, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, 22. - 23. 8.1996},
year = {1996},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2006.04.06},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/STZ/SchneiderMausDietelHouySchweitzer96.htm},
author = {Sven Schwarz and Frank Marmann and Heiko Maus},
title = {Extracting Personal Concepts from Users' Emails to Initialize Their Personal Information Models},
booktitle = {Knowlege-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems},
year = {2011},
editor = {Andreas K\"{o}nig and Andreas Dengel and Knut Hinkelmann and Koichi Kise and Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain},
volume = {6882},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
pages = {430--439},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-23863-5_44},
isbn = {978-3-642-23862-8},
location = {Heidelberg},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2011.09.08},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23863-5_44},
author = {Tran Tuan and Sven Schwarz and Claudia Nieder{\'{e}}e and Heiko Maus and Nattiya Kanhabua},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR)},
title = {{The Forgotten Needle in My Collections: Task-Aware Ranking of Documents in Semantic Information Space}},
year = {2016},
pages = {13--22},
publisher = {ACM Press},
abstract = {With the growing amount of content stored in personal and organizational information spaces, finding and re-finding documents becomes both more crucial and challenging. In this work, we propose an approach to reduce information overload in navigation by automatically focusing on important documents, adaptively to the tasks at hand. Based on the idea of managed forgetting, we present a ranking method, which unifies activity logs and semantic information about documents into a common framework to identify important documents to the user's current tasks. Our experiments on two real-world datasets, both collected from knowledge work activities in professional scenarios, show that our ranking approach outperforms the baseline methods for both subsequent access prediction and the effectiveness in ranking important documents. Furthermore, we implemented and demonstrated a system for decluttering information spaces as a proof of concept of our managed forgetting approach.},
doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2854946.2854971},
groups = {Heiko Maus:6},
journal = {ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2016.01.10},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2854946.2854971},
author = {Weber, Markus and Roth-Berghofer, Thomas and Hudlet, Volker and Maus, Heiko and Dengel, Andreas},
title = {Context-Aware Service Discovery using Case-Based Reasoning Methods},
booktitle = {KI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2009},
editor = {B\"arbel Mertsching and Marcus Hund and Zaheer Aziz},
volume = {5803},
series = {LNAI},
pages = {664---671},
publisher = {Springer},
abstract = {This paper presents an architecture for accessing distributed services with embedded systems using message oriented middleware. For the service discovery a recommendation system using case-based reasoning methods is utilized. The main idea is to take the context of each user into consideration in order to suggest appropriate services. We define our context and discuss how its attributes are compared. The presented prototype was implemented for Ricoh & Sun Developer Challenge. Thus the client software was restricted to Ricoh's Multi Functional Product as an embedded system. The similarity functions were designed and tested using myCBR, and the service recommender application is based on the jCOLIBRI CBR framework.},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-04617-9_83},
file = {WeberRoth-BerghoferHudlet+09.pdf:maus\\WeberRoth-BerghoferHudlet+09.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Case-Based Reasoning, context, service discovery, myCBR, jCOLIBRI},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2009.08.13},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/WeberHudletRoth-Berghofer+09_submitted.pdf},
author = {Wenzel, Claudia and Maus, Heiko},
booktitle = {{F}ourth {IAPR} {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {D}ocument {A}nalysis {S}ystems, {R}io de {J}aneiro, {B}razil},
title = {An approach to context-driven document analysis and understanding},
year = {2000},
file = {WenzelMaus00.pdf:maus/WenzelMaus00.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064, I4},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/WenzelMaus_DAS2000.pdf},
author = {Wenzel, Claudia and Maus, Heiko},
journal = {Int. {J}ournal on {D}ocument {A}nalysis and {R}ecognition, {S}pecial {I}ssue on {D}ocument {A}nalysis for {O}ffice {S}ystems},
title = {Leveraging corporate context within knowledge-based document analysis and understanding},
year = {2001},
note = {Springer LINK online version},
number = {4},
pages = {248--260},
volume = {3},
file = {WenzelMaus01.pdf:maus/WenzelMaus01.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064, I4},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/WenzelMaus01_draft.pdf},
title = {2. {K}onferenz {P}rofessionelles {W}issensmanagement (WM 2003). {L}uzern, {S}chweiz},
year = {2003},
editor = {Andreas Abecker and Rudi Studer and York Sure},
number = {28},
series = {LNC},
publisher = {Bonner Kollen-Verlag},
organization = {GI},
booktitle = {2. {K}onferenz {P}rofessionelles {W}issensmanagement (WM 2003). {L}uzern, {S}chweiz},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
title = {Modeling and {U}sing {C}ontext. 3rd {I}nternational and {I}nterdisciplinary {C}onference, {CONTEXT}'01},
year = {2001},
editor = {Akman, Varol and Bouquet, Paolo and Thomason, R. and Young, R.A.},
volume = {2116},
series = {LNAI},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {Modeling and {U}sing {C}ontext. 3rd {I}nternational and {I}nterdisciplinary {C}onference, {CONTEXT} 01},
file = {context01:context/context01:PDF},
language = {english},
location = {Dundee, UK},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://context.umcs.maine.edu/CONTEXT-01/},
title = {Professional {K}nowledge {M}anagement. {T}hird {B}iennial {C}onference, {WM} 2005, {K}aiserslautern, {G}ermany, {A}pril 2005. {R}evised {S}elected {P}apers},
year = {2005},
editor = {Klaus-Dieter Althoff and Andreas Dengel and Ralph Bergmann and Markus Nick and Thomas Roth-Berghofer},
volume = {3782},
series = {LNAI},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/11590019},
file = {wm2005:wm2001/wm2005:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2005.11.29},
title = {Workflow {B}ased {A}pplications, {P}roceedings of {W}orkflow {M}anagement 99},
year = {1999},
editor = {Becker, J\"org and M\"uhlen, Michael zur and Rosemann, Michael},
number = {70},
series = {Working Paper Series of the Department of Information Systems},
address = {M\"unster, Germany},
booktitle = {Workflow {B}ased {A}pplications, {P}roceedings of {W}orkflow {M}anagement'99, {M}\"unster, {G}ermany},
file = {BeckerMuehlenRosemann99.pdf:workflow/BeckerMuehlenRosemann99.pdf:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
title = {Proceedings of the 33rd Annual {ACM} Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, {CHI} 2015 Extended Abstracts, Republic of Korea, April 18 - 23, 2015},
year = {2015},
editor = {Bo Begole and Jinwoo Kim and Kori Inkpen and Woontack Woo},
publisher = {{ACM}},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3146-3},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org},
biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/chi/2015a},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:12:43 +0200},
url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2702613},
editor = {Dengel, Andreas},
publisher = {Spektrum},
title = {Semantische Technologien},
year = {2012},
address = {Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-8274-2663-5},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-8274-2664-2},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
timestamp = {2012.01.05},
url = {https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-8274-2664-2},
title = {Workshop on {U}ser {M}odeling for {C}ontext-{A}ware {A}pplications at the 8th {I}nternational {C}onference on {U}ser {M}odeling, {S}onthofen, {G}ermany},
year = {2001},
editor = {Tom Gross},
booktitle = {Workshop on {U}ser {M}odeling for {C}ontext-{A}ware {A}pplications at the 8th {I}nternational {C}onference on {U}ser {M}odeling , {S}onthofen, {G}ermany},
file = {umcaa:um/um2001/umcaa/:PDF},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.dfki.de/um2001/Conference/Workshops/Context-Awareness.acp},
title = {{AAAI} {S}pring {S}ymposium: {B}ringing {K}nowledge to {B}usiness {P}rocesses},
year = {2000},
editor = {Steffen Staab and Dan O'Leary},
publisher = {AAAI Press},
booktitle = {{AAAI} {S}pring {S}ymposium: {B}ringing {K}nowledge to {B}usiness {P}rocesses},
file = {AAAISS00:knowledge/AAAISS00:PDF},
language = {english},
location = {Stanford, CA},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/$/sim$sst//-Research/Events/sss00/},
title = {{P}roceedings of the {GIGA} {E}uropean {B}usiness {P}rocess \& {W}orkflow {C}onference, {G}eneva, {S}witzerland},
year = {1998},
publisher = {GIGA Information Group},
month = oct,
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {GIGA} {E}uropean {B}usiness {P}rocess \& {W}orkflow {C}onference, {G}eneva, {S}witzerland},
key = {GIGA},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
title = {Proc. {I}-{KNOW} 2005 -- {S}pecial {T}rack on {B}usiness {P}rocess {O}riented {K}nowledge {I}nfrastructures {BPOKI} 2005},
year = {2005},
publisher = {Springer},
key = {BPOKI},
language = {english},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://www.i-know.at/previous_i_know/i_know_05/i_know_05_special_tracks/bpoki_05},
author = {Christian Jilek and Sven Schwarz and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {3rd Workshop on Ubiquitous Technologies for Augmenting the Human Mind (WAHM). International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp-16), September 12-16, Heidelberg, Germany},
title = {Managed Forgetting, Data Condensation \& Preservation in Application},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
publisher = {ACM},
abstract = {With an increasing amount of available sensors lifelogging produces more and more data. Thus, realizing necessary condensation and forgetting processes becomes a challenge.
In the last three years we investigated Managed Forgetting, Synergetic Preservation and Contextualized
Remembering in the so-called ForgetIT project. Using the Semantic Desktop as an ecosystem we have already applied these approaches to personal information management successfully. With these experiences at hand we think that lifelogging could also benefit from these solutions. On the other hand, achievements and findings of the lifelogging community can help us in realizing one of our newest visions. In this paper we will provide more details of our data condensation, preservation and managed forgetting solutions and show how lifelogging could benefit from them. Additionally, we sketch our newest application scenario of a context-focused work environment that will make use of lifelogging technologies.},
doi = {10.1145/2968219.2968567},
keywords = {semantic desktop, diary, data condensation, preservation, managed forgetting},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2968219.2968567},
author = {Bahaa Eldesouky and Menna Bakry and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Seed, an End-user Text Composition Tool for the Semantic Web},
booktitle = {The Semantic Web - ISWC 2016, 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe, Japan, October 17-21, 2016, Proceedings. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2016), 15th International Semantic Web Conference, October 17-21},
year = {2016},
publisher = {Springer},
abstract = {Despite developments of Semantic Web-enabling technologies, the gap between non-expert end-users and the Semantic Web still exists. In the field of semantic content authoring, tools for interacting with semantic content remain directed at highly trained individuals. This adds to the challenges of bringing user-generated content into the Semantic Web. In this paper, we present Seed, short for Semantic Editor, an extensible knowledge-supported natural language text composition tool for non-experienced end-users. It enables automatic as well as semi-automatic creation of standards based semantically annotated textual content with focus on the task of text composition. We point out the structure of Seed, compare it with related work and explain how it excels at utilizing Linked Open Data and state of the art Natural Language Processing to realize user-friendly generation of textual content for the Semantic Web. We also present experimental evaluation results involving a diverse group of 120 participants, which showed that Seed helped end-users easily create and interact with semantic content with nearly no prerequisite knowledge.},
keywords = {semantic web, semantic content authoring, semantic text composition, microdata, lod, nlp, hci},
url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/EldesoukyBakryMaus+16.pdf},
chapter = {1},
pages = {3--8},
title = {Multimedia Preservation: Why Bother?},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
year = {2018},
author = {Nieder{\'e}e, Claudia and Mezaris, Vasileios and Maus, Heiko and Logie, Robert H.},
editor = {Mezaris, Vasileios and Nieder{\'e}e, Claudia and Logie, Robert H.},
series = {Springer Series on Cultural Computing},
isbn = {978-3-319-73465-1},
abstract = {Multimedia content and especially personal multimedia content is created in abundance today. Short- to mid-term storage of this content is typically no problem due to decreased storage prices and the availability of storage services. However, for the long-term perspective, i.e., preservation, adequate technologies and best practices for keeping the content accessible and meaningful are still missing. Instead, the breakdown of devices and changes in technologies lead to some form of random survival and random forgetting for digital content. In this chapter, we motivate a more intelligent and selective approach to personal multimedia preservation. This approach introduces and combines three key building blocks: (a) ``managed forgetting'' for focusing on important and useful content inspired by human forgetting and remembering; (b) ``contextualized remembering'' for dealing with evolution and keeping content meaningful over time; and (c) ``synergetic preservation'' for bridging the gap between active information use and long-term information management.},
booktitle = {Personal Multimedia Preservation: Remembering or Forgetting Images and Video},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-73465-1_1},
keywords = {digital preservation, digital forgetting, human forgetting, multimedia content analysis, personal information management},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73465-1_1},
chapter = {7},
pages = {233--277},
title = {Remembering and Forgetting for Personal Preservation},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
year = {2018},
author = {Maus, Heiko and Jilek, Christian and Schwarz, Sven},
editor = {Mezaris, Vasileios and Nieder{\'e}e, Claudia and Logie, Robert H.},
series = {Springer Series on Cultural Computing},
isbn = {978-3-319-73465-1},
abstract = {Chapter 1 detailed the need for preservation especially for our personal life. Even so, it is not part of most users' regular practice. Preservation challenges users with a manual effort and a somewhat stern discipline to continuously perform the required steps. Being aware of these challenges, the chapter will present the novel approach realized in ForgetIT to embed support for personal preservation in users' daily activities of Personal Information Management (PIM), reducing the effort and users' cognitive burden for preservation. In this approach, the previously introduced concepts of remembering and forgetting play a major role for a successful realization and for providing benefits to users. It is a method rooted in artificial intelligence research that allows us to derive and represent a user's mental model and making data machine understandable. This ``semantification'' of the user's resources paves the way for more effective functionalities for automated preservation, forgetting, and remembering embedded in the user's daily activities and applications. The chapter will detail a pilot based on this ForgetIT approach realizing remembering and forgetting for preservation. We further investigate how activities from PIM provide context to these. Regarding remembering, we present applications allowing a semantic photo organization and providing a self-generating diary to remember past events. Considering forgetting, we investigate how forgetting functionalities can be embedded in applications and present how different variants for forgetting are used in the pilot. Finally, a comprehensive approach for personal preservation is presented utilizing the PoF Framework introduced in Chap. 6 and overcoming the obstacles for personal preservation. The chapter concludes with a discussion of experience of using the pilot in daily work of our research group.},
booktitle = {Personal Multimedia Preservation: Remembering or Forgetting Images and Video},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-73465-1_7},
keywords = {semantic desktop, PIMO, personal preservation, personal information management, managed forgetting, contextual remembering, synergetic preservation},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73465-1_7},
author = {Christian Jilek and Markus Schr{\"o}der and Sven Schwarz and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Context Spaces as the Cornerstone of a Near-Transparent \& Self-Reorganizing Semantic Desktop},
booktitle = {The Semantic Web: ESWC 2018 Satellite Events. Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC-2018), June 3-7, Heraklion, Greece},
year = {2018},
editor = {A. Gangemi and A. L. Gentile and A.G. Nuzzolese and M. Alam},
publisher = {Springer},
abstract = {Existing Semantic Desktops are still reproached for being too complicated to use or not scaling well.
Besides, a real "killer app" is still missing.
In this paper, we present a new prototype inspired by NEPOMUK and its successors having a semantic graph and ontologies as its basis.
In addition, we introduce the idea of context spaces that users can directly interact with and work on.
To make them available in all applications without further ado, the system is transparently integrated using mostly standard protocols complemented by a sidebar for advanced features.
By exploiting collected context information and applying Managed Forgetting features (like hiding, condensation or deletion), the system is able to dynamically reorganize itself, which also includes a kind of tidy-up-itself functionality.
We therefore expect it to be more scalable while providing new levels of user support.
An early prototype has been implemented and is presented in this demo.},
keywords = {semantic desktop, context, transparent integration, self-reorganization, managed forgetting},
url = {https://pimo.opendfki.de/cSpaces/},
author = {Ingo J. Timm and Steffen Staab and Michael Siebers and Claudia Schon and Ute Schmid and Kai Sauerwald and Lukas Reuter and Marco Ragni and Claudia Nieder{\'e}e and Heiko Maus and Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Christian Jilek and Paulina Friemann and Thomas Eiter and Andreas Dengel and Hannah Dames and Tanja Bock and Jan Ole Berndt and Christoph Beierle},
title = {Intentional Forgetting in Artificial Intelligence Systems: Perspectives and Challenges},
booktitle = {KI 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2018), 41st, September 24-28, Berlin, Germany},
year = {2018},
publisher = {Springer},
abstract = {Current trends, like digital transformation and ubiquitous computing, yield in massive increase in available data and information. In artificial intelligence (AI) systems, capacity of knowledge bases is limited due to computational complexity of many inference algorithms. Consequently, continuously sampling information and unfiltered storing in knowledge bases does not seem to be a promising or even feasible strategy. In human evolution, learning and forgetting have evolved as advantageous strategies for coping with available information by adding new knowledge to and removing irrelevant information from the human memory. Learning has been adopted in AI systems in various algorithms and applications. Forgetting, however, especially intentional forgetting, has not been sufficiently considered, yet. Thus, the objective of this paper is to discuss intentional forgetting in the context of AI systems as a fixrst step. Starting with the new priority research program on 'Intentional Forgetting' (DFG-SPP 1921), definitions and interpretations of intentional forgetting in AI systems from different perspectives (knowledge representation, cognition, ontologies, reasoning, machine learning, self-organization, and distributed AI) are presented and opportunities as well as challenges are derived.},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00111-7_30},
keywords = {Artificial Intelligence Systems, Capacity and Efficiency of Knowledge-Based Systems, (Intentional) Forgetting},
url = {https://www.springerprofessional.de/intentional-forgetting-in-artificial-intelligence-systems-perspe/16128010},
author = {Christian Jilek and Yannick Runge and Claudia Nieder{\'e}e and Heiko Maus and Tobias Tempel and Andreas Dengel and Christian Frings},
title = {Managed Forgetting to Support Information Management and Knowledge Work},
journal = {KI - K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2019},
volume = {33},
number = {1},
pages = {45--55},
month = {Mar},
abstract = {Trends like digital transformation even intensify the already overwhelming mass of information knowledge workers face in their daily life. To counter this, we have been investigating knowledge work and information management support measures inspired by human forgetting.
In this paper, we give an overview of solutions we have found during the last five years as well as challenges that still need to be tackled. Additionally, we share experiences gained with the prototype of a first forgetful information system used 24/7 in our daily work for the last three years. We also address the untapped potential of more explicated user context as well as features inspired by Memory Inhibition, which is our current focus of research.},
comment = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.12155},
doi = {10.1007/s13218-018-00568-9},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {https://rdcu.be/bcf7a},
author = {Christian Jilek and Jessica Chwalek and Sven Schwarz and Markus Schr{\"o}der and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Advanced Memory Buoyancy for Forgetful Information Systems},
booktitle = {AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems, Special Issue: Intentional Forgetting in Organizations and Work Settings. Conference on Intentional Forgetting in Organizations and Work Settings (CoInFo-2018), September 11-12, Potsdam, Germany},
year = {2019},
volume = {14},
number = {1},
series = {AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems},
month = may,
publisher = {Gito mbH Verlag},
abstract = {Knowledge workers face an ever increasing flood of information in their daily lives.
To counter this and provide better support for information management and knowledge work in general, we have been investigating solutions inspired by human forgetting since 2013.
These solutions are based on Semantic Desktop (SD) and Managed Forgetting (MF) technology.
A key concept of the latter is the so-called Memory Buoyancy (MB), which is intended to represent an information item's current value for the user and allows to employ forgetting mechanisms.
The SD thus continuously performs information value assessment updating MB and triggering respective MF measures.
We extended an SD-based organizational memory system, which we have been using in daily work for over seven years now, with MF mechanisms directly embedding them in daily activities, too, and enabling us to test and optimize them in real-world scenarios.
In this paper, we first present our initial version of MB and discuss success and failure stories we have been experiencing with it during three years of practical usage.
We learned from cognitive psychology that our previous research on context can be beneficial for MF.
Thus, we created an advanced MB version especially taking user context, and in particular context switches, into account.
These enhancements as well as a first prototypical implementation are presented, too.},
doi = {10.30844/ais-tes.v4i1.11},
lastupdate = {2018-11-16 12:56:29},
url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1811.12177},
author = {Andreas Dengel and Heiko Maus},
journal = {DIGITUS},
title = {Ein `{I}nformationsbutler' -- mit {T}alent f\"ur smarte {D}aten. Personalisierte {W}issensdienste oder {W}ie neue {T}echnologien es erm\"oglichen, automatisierte pers\"onliche {W}issensassistenten zu entwickeln},
year = {2019},
issn = {2366-7826},
month = feb,
pages = {22-27},
volume = {1},
howpublished = {Digitus Magazin. Print \& Online},
url = {http://digitusmagazin.de/2019/02/ein-informationsbutler-mit-talent-fuer-smarte-daten/},
author = {Tobias Tempel and Claudia Nieder{\'e}e and Christian Jilek and Andrea Ceroni and Heiko Maus and Yannick Runge and Christian Frings},
title = {Temporarily Unavailable: Memory Inhibition in Cognitive and Computer Science},
journal = {Interacting with Computers},
year = {2019},
month = may,
doi = {10.1093/iwc/iwz013},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.00760},
author = {Riss, Uwe V. and Maus, Heiko and Javaid, Sabrina and Jilek, Christian},
booktitle = {The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. Proceedings},
title = {Digital Twins of an Organization for Enterprise Modeling},
year = {2020},
editor = {Grabis, J{\={a}}nis and Bork, Dominik},
pages = {25--40},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
abstract = {Today's dynamic business environment requires enterprises to be agile in order to remain competitive. Competition also impacts enterprise modeling (EM) aiming at the systematic development of the enterprise's business processes, organizational structures, and information systems. Although EM is a mature discipline, organizations still do not exploit the full potential of EM. We suggest, the concept of a Digital Twin of an Organization (DTO) provides a means of digitalization to introduce more agility. A DTO draws upon graph-based, machine readable knowledge representation of enterprise models. In order to run through various scenarios in real time, the DTO approach makes use of Context Spaces that provide the required information semantically structured, which improves the comprehensibility and applicability of the used models. The DTO combines EM with operational reality and, thus, increases the agility of the enterprise.},
isbn = {978-3-030-63479-7},
url = {https://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/%7Emaus/dok/RissMausJavaid+2020.pdf},
author = {Schulze, Michael and Schr{\"o}der, Markus and Jilek, Christian and Albers, Torsten and Maus, Heiko and Dengel, Andreas},
booktitle = {The Semantic Web},
title = {P2P-O: A Purchase-To-Pay Ontology for Enabling Semantic Invoices},
year = {2021},
address = {Cham},
editor = {Verborgh, Ruben and Hose, Katja and Paulheim, Heiko and Champin, Pierre-Antoine and Maleshkova, Maria and Corcho, Oscar and Ristoski, Petar and Alam, Mehwish},
pages = {647--663},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
abstract = {Small and medium-sized enterprises increasingly adopt electronic invoices and digitized purchase-to-pay processes. A purchase-to-pay process begins with making a purchase order and ends with completing the payment process. Even when organizations adopt electronic invoices, knowledge work in such processes is characterized by assimilating information distributed over heterogeneous sources among different stages in the process. By integrating such information and enabling a shared understanding of stakeholders in such processes, ontologies and knowledge graphs can serve as an appropriate infrastructure for enabling knowledge services. However, no suitable ontology is available for current electronic invoices and digitized purchase-to-pay processes. Therefore, this paper presents P2P-O, a dedicated purchase-to-pay ontology developed in cooperation with industry domain experts. P2P-O enables organizations to create semantic invoices, which are invoices following linked data principles. The European Standard EN 16931-1:2017 for electronic invoices was the main non-ontological resource for developing P2P-O. The evaluation approach is threefold: (1) to follow ontology engineering best practices, we applied OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!) and OntoDebug; (2) to evaluate competency questions, we constructed a purchase-to-pay knowledge graph with RML technologies and executed corresponding SPARQL queries; (3) to illustrate a P2P-O-based knowledge service and use case, we implemented an invoicing dashboard within a corporate memory system and thus enabled an entity-centric view on invoice data. Organizations can immediately start experimenting with P2P-O by generating semantic invoices with provided RML mappings.},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-77385-4_39},
isbn = {978-3-030-77385-4},
url = {https://purl.org/p2p-o},
author = {Mahta Bakhshizadeh and Christian Jilek and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {LWDA. GI-Workshop-Tage "Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen" (LWDA-2021), September 1-3, Munich, Germany},
title = {Leveraging context-aware recommender systems for improving personal knowledge assistants by introducing contextual states},
year = {2021},
pages = {1-12},
series = {CEUR-WS.org},
volume = {2993},
abstract = {During the last decades, recommender systems have played a remarkable role in putting one step further toward making content platforms more intelligent in a wide variety of domains ranging from music and movies to books and documents. Notwithstanding the various applications of recommender systems, not many contributions have been made regarding their potential capabilities in the domain of personal knowledge management. Hence, it has been tried in this study to shed new light on an innovative application of recommender systems to improve personal knowledge assistants by making them capable of providing knowledge workers with useful information through every single situation during their daily work. This paper provides a comprehensive research tree involving the key information about state of the art approaches with a focus on the three most relevant categories to this research including knowledge-based, sequential, and session-based recommender systems. Furthermore, the idea of the contextual states is introduced as the first step of a promising direction toward collecting the required multi-dimensional information for making such helpful recommendations.},
keywords = {recommender systems, context awareness, knowledge assistants, contextual states, information re-finding, proactive information delivery},
url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2993/paper-01.pdf},
author = {Christian Zeyen and Rudolf Koch and Sven Schwarz and Heiko Maus and Ralph Bergmann},
booktitle = {ICCBR POCBR'22: Workshop on Process-Oriented Case-based Reasoning at ICCBR-2022. Workshop on Process-Oriented Case-Based Reasoning (POCBR-2022), located at 30th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2022), September 12, Nancy, France},
title = {Towards Experience-based Assistance for Personal Robotic Process Automation by Process-Oriented Case-based Reasoning},
publisher = {CEUR-WS.org},
url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3389/ICCBR_2022_Workshop_paper_97.pdf},
abstract = {Robotic process automation (RPA) uses software robots to interact with user interfaces like humans. It thus allows for automating processes across existing application systems without needing internal data interfaces. Personal RPA, also referred to as Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA), is the application of RPA on the desktop of human workers to automate so-called "swivel chair" processes in everyday work. Today personal RPA lacks integration of (procedural) experience and the assistance of human workers with appropriate workflows to be executed in the respective work context. Our work aims to provide experience-based assistance for personal RPA workflows. The support includes workflow execution by pro-active and context-related recommendations of suitable workflows and workflow modeling by fostering reuse. This paper discusses the application of process-oriented case-based reasoning for this purpose. We present the knowledge representation for the assistance system and examine the initial data basis of real RPA workflows as a foundation for developing the methods.},
keywords = {process-oriented case-based reasoning, robotic process automation, workflows},
month = {9},
year = {2022},
author = {Desiree Heim and Christian Jilek and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen 2022. GI-Workshop-Tage Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen (LWDA-2022), October 5-7, Hildesheim, Germany},
title = {A Retrospective Context Mining Approach For Bootstrapping Personal Knowledge Assistants},
year = {2023},
editor = {Pascal Reuss and Viktor Eisenstadt and Jakob Schönborn and Jero Sch{\"a}fer},
publisher = {CEUR-WS.org},
abstract = {Smart assistants supporting knowledge workers in their daily work are in demand nowadays. To provide individually tailored support, the assistants first have to gain knowledge about the knowledge worker and their information space. In our setting, the assistant should support the user according to their current mental context. To build the required mental context base, other approaches observe the human's interaction with information items like files, emails, etc. and infer contexts from this activity data. However, those procedures suffer from a cold start problem as the context base on which the assistant
relies on is built alongside the observation. The context-mining approach introduced in this paper addresses this issue by relying only on document information that is available at the start-up time.},
keywords = {Context Mining, Personal Information Management, Personal Knowledge Assistants},
url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3341/WM-LWDA_2022_CRC_8910.pdf},
author = {Abecker, Andreas and Bernardi, Ansgar and Maus, Heiko},
booktitle = {{G}esch"aftsprozessorientiertes {W}issensmanagement -- {E}ffektive {W}issensnutzung bei der {P}lanung und {U}msetzung von {G}esch"aftsprozessen},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {Potenziale der {G}esch\"aftsprozessorientierung f\"ur das {U}nternehmensged\"achtnis},
year = {2002},
chapter = {9},
editor = {Andreas Abecker and Knut Hinkelmann and Heiko Maus and Heinz-J"urgen M"uller},
month = jun,
pages = {215--248},
file = {AbeckerBernardiMaus02.pdf:maus/AbeckerBernardiMaus02.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-55921-1_9},
author = {Andreas Abecker and Heiko Maus and Ansgar Bernardi},
booktitle = {{W}orkshop '{G}esch"aftsprozessorientiertes {W}issensmanagement' auf der {WM'2001}, {B}aden-{B}aden},
title = {Software-{U}nterst"utzung f"ur das {G}esch"aftsprozessorientierte {W}issensmanagement: {V}ersuch eines {\"U}berblicks},
year = {2001},
editor = {{Heinz-J"urgen} M"uller and Andreas Abecker and Knut Hinkelmann and Heiko Maus},
series = {DFKI Document D-01-02},
file = {AbeckerMausBernardi01.pdf:maus/AbeckerMausBernardi01.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {H3, H4, I2017, I2018, I204, I2064},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-37/},
author = {Sven Schwarz and Andreas Abecker and Heiko Maus and Michael Sintek},
booktitle = {{W}orkshop '{G}esch"aftsprozessorientiertes {W}issensmanagement' auf der {WM'2001}, {B}aden-{B}aden},
title = {Anforderungen an die {W}orkflow-{U}nterst\"utzung f\"ur wissensintensive {G}esch\"aftsprozesse},
year = {2001},
editor = {{Heinz-J"urgen} M"uller and Andreas Abecker and Knut Hinkelmann and Heiko Maus},
series = {DFKI Document D-01-02},
file = {SchwarzAbecker+01.pdf:maus/SchwarzAbecker+01.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {I2017, I204, H3, H404},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-37/Schwarz.pdf},
author = {Abecker, Andreas and Hinkelmann, Knut and Maus, Heiko and M\"uller, Heinz-J\"urgen},
editor = {Abecker, Andreas and Hinkelmann, Knut and Maus, Heiko and M\"uller, Heinz-J\"urgen},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {Gesch\"aftsprozessorientiertes {W}issensmanagement -- {E}ffektive {W}issensnutzung bei der {P}lanung und {U}msetzung von {G}esch\"aftsprozessen},
year = {2002},
note = {Buch/Book in Springer xpert.press},
booktitle = {Gesch\"aftsprozessorientiertes {W}issensmanagement -- {E}ffektive {W}issensnutzung bei der {P}lanung und {U}msetzung von {G}esch\"aftsprozessen. Springer xpert.press},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-55921-1},
file = {https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-55921-1},
keywords = {H4, K 4 03, I2017, I204, I2064, H404},
language = {german},
owner = {Heiko Maus},
url = {https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-55921-1},
author = {Andreas Dengel and Heiko Maus},
title = {{P}ersonalisierte {W}issensdienste: {D}as {U}nternehmen denkt mit},
journal = {IM+io Fachmagazin},
year = {2018},
volume = {3},
pages = {46-49},
month = sep,
issn = {1616-1017},
abstract = {Wissensdienste auf der Basis von smarten Daten sind essentiell f"ur wissensintensive Entscheidungen an allen Stellen eines Unternehmens. Unternehmensged"achtnisse mit Wissenstechnologien bieten ideale Voraussetzungen smarte Daten zu erzeugen, in die Unternehmensprozesse einzubetten und innovative Dienste zu realisieren. Neue Technologien erm"oglichen es, automatisierte pers"onliche Wissensassistenten im Sinne eines „Informationsbutlers“ zu entwickeln, die den Kontext des Nutzers erkennen und proaktiv relevante Informationen eingebettet in das Arbeitsumfeld bereitstellen.},
url = {https://www.aws-institut.de/im-io/kuenstliche-intelligenz/personalisierte-wissensdienste-das-unternehmen-denkt-mit/},
author = {Christian Jilek and Markus Schr\"oder and Rudolf Novik and Sven Schwarz and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Inflection-Tolerant Ontology-Based Named Entity Recognition for Real-Time Applications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge. Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK-2019), May 20-22, Leipzig, Germany},
year = {2019},
volume = {70},
series = {OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs)},
pages = {11:1-11:14},
publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum f"ur Informatik},
note = {LDK 2019 Best Research Paper Award},
abstract = {A growing number of applications users daily interact with have to operate in (near) real-time:
chatbots, digital companions, knowledge work support systems -- just to name a few.
To perform the services desired by the user, these systems have to analyze user activity logs or explicit user input extremely fast.
In particular, text content (e.g. in form of text snippets) needs to be processed in an information extraction task.
Regarding the aforementioned temporal requirements, this has to be accomplished in just a few milliseconds, which limits the number of methods that can be applied.
Practically, only very fast methods remain, which on the other hand deliver worse results than slower but more sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipelines.
In this paper, we investigate and propose methods for real-time capable Named Entity Recognition (NER).
As a first improvement step, we address word variations induced by inflection, for example present in the German language.
Our approach is ontology-based and makes use of several language information sources like Wiktionary.
We evaluated it using the German Wikipedia (about 9.4B characters), for which the whole NER process took considerably less than an hour.
Since precision and recall are higher than with comparably fast methods, we conclude that the quality gap between high speed methods and sophisticated NLP pipelines can be narrowed a bit more without losing real-time capable runtime performance.},
keywords = {Ontology-based information extraction, Named entity recognition, Inflectional languages, Real-time systems},
lastupdate = {2019-03-13 17:44:17},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.02119},
author = {Paula Gauselmann and Yannick Runge and Christian Jilek and Christian Frings and Heiko Maus and Tobias Tempel},
journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction},
title = {A Relief from Mental Overload in a Digitalized World: How Context-Sensitive User Interfaces Can Enhance Cognitive Performance},
year = {2023},
number = {1},
pages = {140-150},
volume = {39},
doi = {10.1080/10447318.2022.2041882},
eprint = {https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2022.2041882},
publisher = {Taylor & Francis},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2022.2041882},
author = {Michael Schulze and Michelle Pelzer and Markus Schr{\"o}der and Christian Jilek and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster and Demo Track and Workshop Track of the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMPDW 2022)},
title = {Towards Knowledge Graph Based Services in Accounting Use Cases},
year = {2022},
series = {CEUR-WS.org},
volume = {3235},
abstract = {To assist knowledge work in accounting use cases such as bookkeeping, this paper presents a pipeline for constructing and enriching an accounting knowledge graph from heterogeneous accounting resources. To show the feasibility of the approach, we applied the pipeline in a multi-group energy provider by employing real company data. A set of prototypical knowledge services was realized with the accounting knowledge graph as the basis, for example, the suggestion of similar accounting cases to the accountant. For training decision trees to predict accounts, our results suggest that using semantically enriched data from the knowledge graph leads to better results compared to not using semantically enriched data.},
url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3235/paper19.pdf},
author = {Dirk Benndorf and Heiko Maus and Jan-Hendrik Stein and Andreas Dengel},
journal = {WPg - Die Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fung},
title = {{IT and more: Wissensdienste im Accounting - Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Praxis}},
year = {2022},
month = dec,
number = {23},
pages = {1352-1354},
publisher = {IDW Verlag GmbH},
url = {https://shop.idw-verlag.de/WPg-Die-Wirtschaftspruefung-23-2022/62223},
author = {Christian Jilek and Markus Schr{\"o}der and Heiko Maus and Sven Schwarz and Andreas Dengel},
title = {Towards Self-organizing Personal Knowledge Assistants in Evolving Corporate Memories},
year = {2023},
abstract = {This paper presents a retrospective overview of a decade of research in our department towards self-organizing personal knowledge assistants in evolving corporate memories. Our research is typically inspired by real-world problems and often conducted in interdisciplinary collaborations with research and industry partners. We summarize past experiments and results comprising topics like various ways of knowledge graph construction in corporate and personal settings, Managed Forgetting and (Self-organizing) Context Spaces as a novel approach to Personal Information Management (PIM) and knowledge work support. Past results are complemented by an overview of related work and some of our latest findings not published so far. Last, we give an overview of our related industry use cases including a detailed look into CoMem, a Corporate Memory based on our presented research already in productive use and providing challenges for further research. Many contributions are only first steps in new directions with still a lot of untapped potential, especially with regard to further increasing the automation in PIM and knowledge work support.},
eprint = {2308.01732},
eprintclass = {cs.AI},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
organization = {arxiv},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01732},
author = {Mahta Bakhshizadeh and Christian Jilek and Markus Schr{\"o}der and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {Information Management. ICIM 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science},
title = {Data Collection of Real-Life Knowledge Work in Context: The RLKWiC Dataset},
year = {2024},
month = {3},
pages = {277--290},
publisher = {Springer Nature},
volume = {2102},
abstract = {Over the years, various approaches have been employed to enhance the productivity of knowledge workers, from addressing psychological well-being to the development of personal knowledge assistants. A significant challenge in this research area has been the absence of a comprehensive, publicly accessible dataset that mirrors real-world knowledge work. Although a handful of datasets exist, many are restricted in access or lack vital information dimensions, complicating meaningful comparison and benchmarking in the domain. This paper presents RLKWiC, a novel dataset of Real-Life Knowledge Work in Context, derived from monitoring the computer interactions of eight participants over a span of two months. As the first publicly available dataset offering a wealth of essential information dimensions (such as explicated contexts, textual contents, and semantics), RLKWiC seeks to address the research gap in the personal information management domain, providing valuable insights for modeling user behavior.},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-64359-0_22},
isbn = {1865-0937},
keywords = {RLKWiC, Real-life knowledge work dataset, Context-based user modeling, Knowledge work support, Personal information management},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-64359-0_22},
author = {Geissler, Christoph and Gauselmann, Paula and Jilek, Christian and Maus, Heiko and Frings, Christian and Tempel, Tobias},
journal = {Scientific Reports},
title = {A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study on the prefrontal correlates of cognitive offloading via a personal knowledge assistant},
year = {2023},
issn = {2045-2322},
month = aug,
number = {1},
volume = {13},
doi = {10.1038/s41598-023-39540-5},
publisher = {Springer Nature},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39540-5},
author = {Mahta Bakhshizadeh and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM Recommender Systems (RecSys-2024), located at 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, October 14-18, Bari, Italy},
title = {Context-based Entity Recommendation for Knowledge Workers: Establishing a Benchmark on Real-life Data},
year = {2024},
month = {10},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
abstract = {In recent decades, Recommender Systems (RS) have undergone significant advancements, particularly in popular domains like movies, music, and product recommendations. Yet, progress has been notably slower in leveraging these systems for personal information management and knowledge assistance. In addition to challenges that complicate the adoption of RS in this domain (such as privacy concerns, heterogeneous recommendation items, and frequent context switching), a significant barrier to progress in this area has been the absence of a standardized benchmark for researchers to evaluate their approaches. In response to this gap, this paper presents a benchmark built upon a publicly available dataset of real-life knowledge work in context (RLKWiC). This benchmark focuses on evaluating context-based entity recommendation, a use case for leveraging RS to support knowledge workers in their daily digital tasks. By providing this benchmark, it is aimed to facilitate and accelerate research efforts in enhancing personal knowledge assistance through RS.},
keywords = {Entity recommendation, Context awareness, Knowledge work support, Personal information management},
url = {https://recsys.acm.org/recsys24/accepted-contributions/#content-tab-1-2-tab},
author = {Mahta Bakhshizadeh and Christian Jilek and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {Workshop Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2024. AI@WORK Workshop (AI@WORK-2024), located at INFORMATIK Festival 2024, September 24, Wiesbaden, Germany},
title = {Towards Context-aware Recommender Systems for Supporting Knowledge Workers in Personal and Corporate Information Space},
year = {2024},
address = {Bonn},
month = {9},
pages = {1323--1332},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)},
abstract = {Although recommender systems have been impressively progressing in many domains, their usage in supporting knowledge workers has not been explored as much as in other applications. Having the existing challenges and the recent studies addressing this novel application introduced, this paper provides a framework for integrating such systems into existing concepts and technologies for knowledge assistance. As a case study, a sample recommendation scenario according to the proposed framework is simulated on the historical data of a small group of knowledge workers. The collected explicit feedback of participants on the made recommendations from both their personal and corporate information space indicate that while the approach is promising (with 54\% accuracy in recommending relevant information items), there is still considerable potential for improvement in filtering out noise and better modeling user contexts and information needs.},
doi = {10.18420/inf2024_116},
isbn = {978-3-88579-746-3},
pissn = {1617-5468},
author = {Mahta Bakhshizadeh and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the sixth Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop. Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop (KaRS-2024), October 18, Bari, Italy},
title = {Using Semantic-based Adaptive Relevance Prediction to Enhance Entity Recommendation for Personal Knowledge Assistance},
year = {2024},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
abstract = {Personal knowledge assistance tools are designed to support knowledge work by delivering contextually relevant information and recommendations, thereby enhancing productivity and decision-making. Entity recommendation is a form of knowledge assistance that suggests relevant entities commonly sourced from public knowledge bases, like DBpedia, based on user context to improve productivity in daily digital tasks. In this study, we explore which similarity metrics within RDF2Vec knowledge graph embedding are most effective at capturing users' personal interpretations of entity similarities within their specific contexts. Accordingly, we propose a semantic-based recommendation method that includes an adaptive relevance prediction module to dynamically evaluate entity relevance by incorporating user feedback. Our approach is benchmarked on RLKWiC, a publicly available dataset of real-life knowledge work in context, and demonstrated a twenty percent improvement over the established baseline for entity recommendation, highlighting its potential to enhance knowledge work support.},
keywords = {Entity recommendation, Personal knowledge assistance, RDF2Vec Embeddings, Knowledge work support},
url = {https://kars-workshop.github.io/2024/},
author = {Markus Schr{\"o}der and Jacqueline Kr{\"u}ger and Neda Foroutan and Philipp Horn and Christoph Fricke and Ezgi Delikanli and Heiko Maus and Andreas Dengel},
booktitle = {The Semantic Web - 21st International Conference. Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC-2024), May 26-30, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece},
title = {Towards Cyber Mapping the German Financial System with Knowledge Graphs},
year = {2024},
publisher = {Springer},
abstract = {The increasing outsourcing by financial intermediaries intensifies the interconnection of the financial system with third-party providers.
Concentration risks can materialize and threaten financial stability if these third-party providers are affected by cyber incidents.
With the goal of preserving financial stability, regulators are interested in tracing cyber incidents efficiently.
One method to achieve this is cyber mapping, which allows them to analyze the connections between the financial network and the cyber network.
In this paper, a provenance-aware knowledge graph is constructed to model this kind of mapping for investment funds which are part of the German financial system.
As a first application, we provide a front-end for analyzing the funds' outsourcing behaviors.
In a user study with ten experts, we evaluate and show the application's usability and usefulness.
Time estimations for certain scenarios indicate our application's potential to reduce time and effort for supervisors.
Especially for complex analysis tasks, our cyber mapping solution could provide benefits for cyber risk monitoring.},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-60626-7_15},
isbn = {978-3-031-60625-0},
keywords = {Knowledge Graph Construction, RDF, Ontology, German Financial System, Cyber Mapping, Cyber Incidents, Fund Prospectus},
url = {https://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/cybermapping/},
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