
Available in January 2004
Post-symposium proceedings will be published in the
LNAI Series as
AMKM Authors, please send your revised versions before May 12.
- In principle, we'll be accepting all long papers as part of the
- Short papers can be extended and those extended versions will
undergo a review process.
- Include in your submission cross references to other papers at
AMKM and indicate clearly the relevance of your research to AMKM.
- All contributions must be formatted to Springer LNAI format to be
found in
- Contributions have a maximum of 15-20 pages (LNAI format).
- We require pdf or ps files from all contributions.
- We also need the source files: Only Latex or MS word are accepted
as source.
- One author per paper must sign and send us a copyright form for
the paper. Forms can be found in
(you can leave the volume name and editors empty: we will fill it).
Please fax it to me (fax: +31-30-251 3791)
- Deadline for camera ready submissions for the LNAI volume is 12 May 2003. (for both, symposium
long papers as well as extended versions of short papers)
- We can consider to publish other papers that the original
submission to AMKM, given that the paper fits well in the volume, that
is the AMKM theme (this for people who attended the workshop, but had
paper, or for people who already publish their original contribution
elsewhere). These papers must meet all the requirements above and will
undergo a careful review.
- Springer and the editors reserve the right to exclude papers that
do not fit in the overall aims of the volume