README: Flora Tab [MS] 24-July-2001 -------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: - unpack somewhere (e.g., directly in Protege-2000 direcory) - copy flora.jar file into plugins directory - add configuration parameters to file in Protege-2000 directory (see file in this directory); adapt to your paths USAGE: Look at newspaper-queries and newspaper-view projects in examples directory and the Powerpoint slides. QUERIES: - use fl_query and fl_axiom anywhere to specify queries and axioms - click at "binoculars" icon to start query (sorry, I didn't have the time to create some nice icons :-) - click at "copy" icon to update Flora kb if you made changes in Protege - the result variable must be called "Result" if instances should be displayed - for usage of parameters, see the Powerpoint slides VIEWS: - for views, the axioms from view.flr file (in examples directory) must be the value of some fl_axiom slot - the query "view([class1, class2, ...])" exports the classes into the file view.rdfs in the Protege-2000 directory; this file can be imported via "Project | Import | RDF Schema" - example: the following axioms define a view for the newspaper example that contains all persons (only with slot "name") and all newspapers with slots "date" and "author" where authors are persons that have contributed some content to the newspaper (see newspaper-view project): person::':THING'[name=>string]. newspaper::':THING'[date=>string; author=>>person]. p(P):person[name->Name] :- P:'Person'[name->Name]. np(NP):newspaper[date->Date; author->>p(Author)] :- NP:'Newspaper'['Date'->Date; 'Contents'->>Content], Content:'Article'[article_author->Author:'Person'].