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 Associated Students

“Man kann einen Menschen nichts lehren, man kann ihm nur helfen, es in sich selbst zu entdecken.”

Galileo Galilei

Theses Supervised

Associated Students

  • Björn Endres: Björn works as a research assistant in FRODO. He deals with the modeling of user´s information needs.
  • Florian has implemented the idea of a wikitology (a unified level for concepts and instances in a document classification store, an RDF store, and a Wiki) in EPOS. (supervised together with Leo Sauermann). Currently, Florian works in the Mymory project on the attention pipeline for our eye tracker.
  • Boris Friedrichs worked as trainee on coupling a commercial text classifier  to a bookmark tool.
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Stand: 26.11.2008,  Ludger van Elst,  mailto:elst@dfki.uni-kl.de    http://www.ludger.net 

Hinweise zum Datenschutz: http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/datenschutz/data-protection-de.html 

Data Protection Notes: http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/datenschutz/data-protection-en.html